United Kingdom

by Joshua Brown
United Kingdom

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, commonly known as the UK or Britain, is a sovereign country located off the north-western coast of Europe. It comprises four countries: England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. The UK has an area of 93,600 square miles (243,610 km2) and is home to around 65 million people – making it one of the most populous countries in Europe. Its capital city is London; other major cities include Birmingham, Manchester, Glasgow and Edinburgh.

The United Kingdom’s economy is one of the largest in Europe; it was estimated to be worth 2.9 trillion US dollars in 2018 . As a member state of the European Union (EU), its trading relationships are largely based on that membership although Brexit negotiations have been ongoing since 2016 when British citizens voted to leave by referendum vote after 44 years within EU framework for trade relations with other members states . In 2017 , total exports from UK totalled £575 billion while imports were at £627billion leading towards deficit balance over positive trade balance prior year period .

The official language spoken throughout the entirety of the United Kingdom is English however Welsh can also be heard across parts Wales where there exists distinct culture which dates back several hundred years ago before unification into larger kingdom today known as united kingdom.. There are multiple religions represented throughout region including Christianity followed majority population alongside Hinduism , Sikhism & Islam being minority religious groups present .. Governmental structure follows Constitutional Monarchy System whereby head executive roles goes either directly or indirectly via royal family whereas legislative powers lies within bicameral parliament having House Commons & Lords along with Judicial branch coming through Supreme Court judiciary system operating under rule law principle ..

With vast history spanning centuries covering various aspects such political power struggle between monarchs competing forces amongst different regions coupled with long industrial revolution era contributing massive economic growth during latter part 18th century up until early 19th century laying foundation modern day globalised world – resulted presence strong military capabilities especially navy allowing them consolidate empires consisting large number colonies spread out beyond european continent elsewhere world . Cultural contribution made not just limited music arts but also literature authors like William Shakespeare gaining fame worldwide among many others who shaped western society we know today …

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