U.S. Republican Party

by Joshua Brown
U.S. Republican Party

The Republican Party, often referred to as the GOP (Grand Old Party), is one of the two major contemporary political parties in the United States. The party originated during the mid-19th century and its platform centers around conservative economic policies, fiscal conservatism, a strong national defense and social values such as opposition to same-sex marriage or abortion rights. It has been nicknamed “the party of Lincoln,” since it was founded by Abraham Lincoln in 1854.

Early History

The first organized Republican state convention occurred on July 6–7, 1854 in Jackson Michigan when anti slavery activists led by Alvan Bovay established what would become known as the National Union Movement commonly known today as Republicans. This movement had deep roots among former Whigs and ex northern members of Free Soil Democrats who wanted an alternative to both Proslavery Democratic control over American politics which extended even into parts of New England at that time . By 1860 there were more than 1 million people enrolled with this new organization including many within Congress from states like Ohio , Iowa , Pennsylvania , Illinois & Indiana . In 1861 President Abraham Lincoln became leader for this new movement just before he officially signed Emancipation Proclamation freeing all enslaved African Americans under federal jurisdiction . From then until present day there have been numerous changes throughout history but largely still retaining core principles outlined above .

Modern Day Politics

Since 1930s modern day Republicans typically support free market capitalism (lower taxes) reduced government regulation & spending cuts alongside moral issues such pro life stances against abortion laws/same sex marriages etc… During 1980s Ronald Reagan’s presidency ushered significant change leading towards neoconservative ideals resulting further deregulation & tax reforms amongst other things despite growing criticism on his actions overseas particularly regarding Iran Contra affair while George HW Bush later sought end Cold War through diplomacy rather military force whilst maintaining traditional family values agenda domestically – notably signing law banning interstate transport minors across state lines seeking abortions without parental consent law called Parental Notification Act 1994(PNPA). When Bill Clinton took office 1993 after winning bitter election battle between himself incumbent Bush Sr., ideological differences between left wing democrats right leaning republicans grew significantly causing gridlock inaction Washington DC ultimately culminating impeachment saga 1998 where House Representatives voted impeach president yet senate failed meet necessary threshold convicting him thus allowing remain office complete remainder term ending 2000 when successor George W Bush entered White House ushering arguably most turbulent period US politics recent memory due events 9/11 terrorist attack 2001 war Iraq 2003 followed intense debate surrounding controversial Patriot Act passed same year granting wide range powers executive branch combat terrorism abroad domestic surveillance home front ……… current 2020 presidential race pits Donald Trump up against Joe Biden representing different sides aisle each offering very distinct visions future America if elected

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