South China Sea

by Joshua Brown
South China Sea

The South China Sea is a marginal sea of the Pacific Ocean, encompassing an area from the Singapore and Malacca Straits to the Strait of Taiwan. It covers 3,500,000 km2 (1,400,000 sq mi). The disputes involve both territorial claims and rights to marine resources such as oil and fisheries.

It is bordered by Macau on its western coast; Hainan Island in Guangdong province on its southern coast; mainland Vietnam in its east-southeast direction; mainland China’s provinces of Guangdong , Fujian , Jiangxi , Hunan & Yunnan ; Hong Kong at it´s south eastern corner; Brunei at it´s north eastern corner ; Malaysia located further up northeastwardly towards Thailand’ border across Bangladesh . The East Asian states are involved in numerous disputes over islands that form part of this region which also includes some areas within Philippine Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) .

The area has rich fishing grounds with abundant fishery resources due to warm waters generated by tropical monsoons creating large ocean swells each year during summer season along with plentiful plankton for fish food supply making them ideal habitats for many types fishes like tuna & mackerel species etc. In addition there are vast mineral deposits including natural gas fields near shorelines but these remain largely untapped due to ongoing maritime boundary disputes among littoral nations causing political tensions between overlapping claimants which makes exploitation difficult without resolution first being reached through negotiations or other legal means.

This body of water plays host not only traditional commerce activities but also military exercises conducted regularly especially since 2009 when Chinese People Liberation Army Navy increased their presence significantly around Spratly Islands leading United States Navy vessels into close proximity several times resulting occasional standoffs threatening regional stability ever since then particularly against those countries who have competing claims over same territory contested here such as Philippines & Vietnam coupled with recent build-up projects undertaken by Beijing building artificial structures atop reefs deemed illegal internationally under UNCLOS which constitute serious violations according international law having potential consequences worldwide should any conflict arise out from situation already deteriorating fast despite diplomatic efforts bring parties closer together meaning all stakeholders must work hard ensure peace prevails so normalcy can return soon enough avoid ecological disaster caused wanton destruction wreaked upon environment due human negligence taking advantage available opportunities bringing prosperity everyone concerned while protecting vital interests shaped destiny countless generations before us today tomorrow ahead us yet come!

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