History in the Making: Semi-automatic Rifle Ban Passes Washington State Legislature

by Ethan Kim
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In Washington state, lawmakers passed a law that bans certain types of guns. These are semi-automatic rifles, which were once not allowed in the whole country. Recently, these kinds of guns have been used most often by younger men responsible for lots of serious shootings. Even after many failed attempts to ban them in the past, this new law was finally able to pass – especially considering all the mass shootings that have happened this year.

A new law called “Washington Law” will stop people from selling, giving out, manufacturing and bringing in over 50 types of guns such as AR-15s and AK-47s. These guns shoot just one bullet every time you pull the trigger and reload for the following shot all on their own. Even though this law exists, people who already have these weapons can still keep them. But some groups like the military or police are allowed to buy guns that are affected by this law.

Governor Jay Inslee wants to make a new law which will stop people from owning guns. He has been hoping for this change since 1994, when he was in the U.S Congress and voted to create a federal law against guns. After the new bill passed in March, Governor Inslee said that Washington will not consider gun violence as normal any more.

The governor in Colorado said, three new gun laws that were passed could help to save people’s lives. The first law says there will be a 10 day wait when someone wants to buy a gun. Another law makes it so companies have to take responsibility if they sell a gun and something bad happens. Lastly, all semi-automatic rifles were also banned which means you can’t buy them in the state.

Republican state lawmakers said no to the ban, arguing that school shootings should be handled by building changes that make schools unattractive targets, and people have a right to protect themselves.

Senator Lynda Wilson of Vancouver also said “HB 1240 definitely goes against our state and federal constitutions, so it will likely get taken to court right away”.

It doesn’t seem likely that the U.S. Congress will pass a ban on semi-automatic guns anytime soon. But President Joe Biden and other Democrats are trying to make sure stronger gun control rules happen, even if it doesn’t get them very many votes from people.

Nine states like California and New York have already approved this type of law and legal experts believe those laws won’t be overturned.

In Colorado, politicians discussed gun measures on Wednesday. But they weren’t able to get a ban on semi-automatic firearms approved.

Similarly, in the Texas Capitol, people were making an effort to introduce new gun limitations but eventually these plans were dropped and the meeting kept going until late at night. This was because families from Uvalde whose children had died last year shared their stories with lots of emotions during the hearing.

During the discussion about the Washington state bill, Democrats mentioned how many people have lost their lives due to mass shootings that took place in churches, nightclubs, supermarkets and schools.

Sen. Liz Lovelett from Anacortes pointed out that we need to take action to answer the questions and worries of kids who feel scared of school shootings. She said: “Our kids are marching on the streets, asking us to do something. We must be able to bring them hope for a better future.”

In Washington, a new gun-control bill was passed that allows family members to sue gun sellers and manufacturers if they are not careful or responsible with how they handle, store or sell guns. The state is also allowed to bring a lawsuit against those who sell guns to minors or people who then turn around and give the guns to someone else who isn’t even allowed to have them.

A new bill suggests that anyone who buys a gun must take safety training, as well as wait 10 days before taking their purchase home. This waiting period already exists in Washington for those purchasing semi-automatic rifles.

The U.S. Supreme Court made a very important decision last year that changed the way we judge gun laws across America. This ruling said that any law that sets rules for guns must show it’s based on the country’s past experience of controlling firearms. Because of this, some previously accepted gun laws have been taken away in some states.

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