Russia-Ukraine war

by Joshua Brown
Russia-Ukraine war

The Russia–Ukraine war was an armed conflict between the Russian Federation and Ukraine that began in 2014. The conflict is often referred to as the War in Donbass or simply the Donbass War, after the region of eastern Ukraine where much of it took place. It has resulted in thousands of casualties, both military and civilian, displacement of over 1 million people from their homes and a severe humanitarian crisis for those affected by it.

In November 2013 former Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych refused to sign an association agreement with the European Union (EU). This sparked widespread protests across Ukraine which led to his ousting on 22 February 2014 following violent clashes with protesters in Kyiv’s Maidan Square. In response Russia annexed Crimea shortly afterwards and provided support for pro-Russian separatists fighting against government forces throughout east Ukraine known as “the Anti-Terrorist Operation” (ATO). Conflict intensified dramatically during summer 2014 leading up to regular artillery exchanges along front lines resulting vast destruction within residential areas caught between them.
Russia denied any direct involvement while providing financial aid, arming rebel fighters and deploying troops near border regions but never officially admitting active combat operations inside Ukrainian territory until recently when president Putin acknowledged presence of Russian servicemen there since beginning stages despite initial denials about such claims made by various international institutions including United Nations Security Council Resolution 2166 condemning these actions taken without consent from Kiev authorities . Until present day this situation remains unresolved making peace talks difficult due increasing tensions among parties involved especially concerning status quo around disputed territories like Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR) facing threats from both sides depending on who holds control at given moment .

2014: Initial unrest begins following collapse of former Ukrainian government; violence escalates drastically throughout spring months culminating into full – scale confrontation during late June/July period leading up first major battles at cities Lugansk & Donetsk respectively – early August sees further escalation as separatist forces push towards Mariupol initiating ground offensive alongside air strikes resulting massive destruction inflicted upon residential districts nearby area causing numerous civilian casualties estimated tens thousands combined number dead wounded refugees displaced persons alike contributing significantly worsen already precarious living conditions general population hereabouts also prompting UNSC resolutions calling end hostilities followed subsequent ceasefires agreements yielding little result beyond temporary lulling hostilities continuance ongoing cycle lasting two years 2015: After failed attempts restore ceasefire through Minsk Protocol I signed 5 September same year renewed aggression erupts December involving heavy shelling artillery fire exchange concentrated mostly populated urban centers intensifying refugee crises associated death toll continues rise 2018: Following arrival new administration newly elected President Volodymyr Zelenskyy negotiations begin aimed implementing peaceful resolution crisis revived Normandy Format four party meeting held Paris consisting representatives leaders France Germany Poland plus respective heads state Vladmir Putin Petro Poroshenko possible withdrawal foreign troops agreed detail albeit without clear timeline set immediate action being implemented current date grim reality still exists terms casualty numbers continue increase affecting all walks life countrywide no end sight foreseeable future leaving many question marks unanswered surrounding ultimate conclusion drawn out affair come its natural conclusion whenever might be none too soon make sure restoration security stability achieved whilst allowing civilians return their homes safe sound manner possible so normalcy may resumed amongst populace effected most this long running saga stay tuned developments unfold further either way one thing certain hoping better days ahead not just Ukrainians Russians alike can look forward brighter futures once again down line some point time yet far enough horizon see light at end tunnel lastly pray quick resolution soon achieved bring real implementation much needed permanent solution entire issue hand finally put bed rest assured everyone part conflict move past traumatic events transpired recent times go back focusing rebuilding lives reestablish social order respective countries concern

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