Labor unions

by Joshua Brown
Labor unions

Labor unions are organizations that represent the collective interests of workers. They exist to protect and advance the rights and working conditions of their members through collective bargaining with employers. The origins of labor unionism can be traced back to medieval Europe, where craft guilds sought to protect their own economic interests as well as those of other craftsmen in a particular trade or city. In the United States, labor unions began appearing in earnest during the Industrial Revolution when newly formed factories needed an organized workforce for production purposes. Labor unions have been essential in securing worker’s rights such as minimum wage laws, overtime pay regulations, safety standards, job security measures and more recently healthcare benefits among many others.

The American Federation of Labor (AFL) was founded by Samuel Gompers on December 8th 1886 and it is considered one of America’s first major labor unions. Its primary purpose was uniting skilled trades under one umbrella organization so they could bargain collectively with management over wages and hours worked amongst other topics covered by contracts between employee groups (also known as Collective Bargaining Agreements). This soon became a popular practice across all industries resulting in higher wages for employees who had previously been subject to minimal daily salaries or meager piecework payments from their respective employers leading up until then.

In 1935 President Franklin D Roosevelt signed into law the National Labor Relations Act which gave federal protection against unfair business practices like anti-union activities aimed at preventing workers from organizing together; this landmark legislation remains intact today serving as cornerstone legislation protecting unionized employment within our nation’s borders ever since its inception 80 years ago! Additionally NLRA also provided recognition status meaning any agreement reached via negotiations would be legally binding upon both parties involved – something employer had not seen before nor were willing accept without further legislative guidance/protection being put into place beforehand i..e., hence why NLRA came about & has remained relevant throughout modern times despite various changes over time due largely part thanks efforts made by multiple Presidents since FDR first passed bill back ’35!.

Today there are numerous prominent US based Unions including American Federation State County Municipal Employees (AFSCME), Service Employees International Union (SEIU), Teamsters Union just name few some biggest ones out there representing millions workers nationwide each year dealing everything from healthcare insurance policies pensions retirement plans workplace safety issues etcetera… Despite growing opposition towards organized labor movement recent decades numbers still remain strong indicating people still feel need belong protective group order ensure fair treatment while employed plus additional protections offered outside traditional legal system making them invaluable resource certain professions regardless how much political divide might exist surrounding topic itself!

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