
by Joshua Brown

Concerts are performances of music or other art forms by live musicians in front of an audience. These events can range from small, intimate gatherings to large stadium shows with thousands in attendance. Concerts usually feature a variety of musical genres such as rock and roll, jazz, classical, pop music and more. They may also include special effects like laser lights or video displays along with choreographed dance routines that accompany the performance onstage.

The earliest known organized concerts date back to 7th century B.C., when ancient Greek citizens gathered around outdoor theatres to listen to performers sing hymns accompanied by flutes and strings instruments; however it was not until the 16th century when composers started creating written scores specifically for public performance that concert-going became commonplace among European aristocrats and royalty alike. The 18th century saw a rise in popularity for orchestral concerts featuring symphonies composed by Mozart, Haydn & Beethoven – popularizing these types of events throughout the continent up through present day where they remain one of the most widely attended entertainment venues globally (by 2020).

Modern concert tours have evolved into major productions involving multiple stages at each venue location alongside elaborate light/sound systems complemented by fireworks displays during key moments within each setlist which is often tailored according to region/country preferences accordingly– all this thanks largely due advancements made within both audio engineering technology as well its associated infrastructure over recent decades allowing promoters greater flexibility while producing larger scale ‘arena’ type spectacles than ever before imaginable before their introduction circa mid-1990s onward so far…

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