Researchers Dispute Claims of Non-Human Beings Presented to Mexican Legislature

by Lucas Garcia
Mexican Congress Extraterrestrial Session

Alleged extraterrestrial entities made an appearance in the chambers of Mexico’s Congress, but not in the manner commonly depicted in science fiction cinema—there were neither flying saucers above the assembly nor technicolor beings as popularized by Hollywood.

In an extraordinary session held in the Mexican capital, lawmakers were exposed to testimonials that raised questions about the existence of life beyond Earth. Experts providing these testimonies came from a global panel, including scholars and researchers from Mexico, the United States, Japan, and Brazil.

This unconventional session followed a similar event in the U.S. Congress two months prior, wherein a retired U.S. Air Force intelligence officer posited that the U.S. has likely had knowledge of “non-human activity” dating back to the 1930s.

Mexican journalist José Jaime Maussan presented what he alleged to be mummified remains discovered in Peru. He and his associates claim these to be “beings not originating from terrestrial evolution.”

The presentation of these preserved, diminutive bodies with distorted craniums provoked considerable surprise and rapidly ignited fervent discussions on social media platforms. Maussan asserted that, pending DNA analysis proving their non-human origins, these specimens could serve as irrefutable evidence. However, he cautiously refrained from labeling them “extraterrestrials” at this stage.

The contentious remains, originally unearthed in the coastal desert region of Nazca, Peru, have been the subject of speculation since 2017. This area is renowned for the Nazca Lines—geoglyphs attributed to ancient indigenous cultures but often shrouded in mystery and speculative theories.

It’s worth noting that similar claims by Maussan in 2017 were met with skepticism from Peru’s prosecutor’s office, which determined the bodies to be artificially fabricated dolls, constructed using synthetic materials to mimic the texture of skin. It remains ambiguous whether the mummies presented to Mexico’s Congress are the same as those implicated in the Peruvian report.

Julieta Fierro, a researcher at the Institute of Astronomy at the National Autonomous University of Mexico, voiced concerns, stating that various aspects concerning these figures “defy logical explanation.” She further disavowed any claims that her institution had endorsed these purported discoveries. According to Fierro, far more advanced diagnostic tools than mere X-ray technology would be needed to substantiate claims of “non-human” origin.

Furthermore, Congress member Sergio Gutiérrez Luna from the ruling Morena party clarified that the Mexican Legislature had not officially endorsed any of the hypotheses discussed during the session, which exceeded three hours. He emphasized that while belief in these claims is a personal matter, all testifying parties had been sworn to tell the truth.

In a related development, retired Maj. David Grusch in the U.S. asserted that the American government has been hiding a program focused on the retrieval and reverse engineering of unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP), an assertion that the Pentagon firmly denies. This has led both Democratic and Republican lawmakers in the U.S. to demand more rigorous research into UAPs, primarily due to national security implications.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about Mexican Congress Extraterrestrial Session

What was the subject of the extraordinary session in the Mexican Congress?

The Mexican Congress held an extraordinary session to discuss the possible existence of extraterrestrial life. The session included testimonials from experts from various countries and the presentation of alleged non-human mummified remains by Mexican journalist José Jaime Maussan.

Who were the participants in this session?

Experts providing testimonials during the session came from a global panel, including scholars and researchers from Mexico, the United States, Japan, and Brazil. Mexican journalist José Jaime Maussan was a key presenter, displaying what he claimed to be mummified non-human remains.

What did José Jaime Maussan present?

José Jaime Maussan presented what he alleged to be mummified remains discovered in Peru. He and his associates claim these to be “beings not originating from terrestrial evolution.”

Was there any skepticism regarding the claims made?

Yes, Julieta Fierro, a researcher at the Institute of Astronomy at the National Autonomous University of Mexico, voiced significant skepticism. She stated that many details about the figures “defy logical explanation” and disavowed any claims that her institution had endorsed these purported discoveries.

Are these the same mummies that were discussed in Peru in 2017?

It remains unclear if the mummies presented to Mexico’s Congress are the same as those implicated in a 2017 Peruvian report, which determined the bodies to be artificially fabricated dolls.

What was the stance of the Mexican Congress on these claims?

Congress member Sergio Gutiérrez Luna from the ruling Morena party clarified that the Mexican Legislature had not officially endorsed any of the hypotheses discussed during the session. He emphasized that belief in these claims is a personal matter for each lawmaker, but all testifying parties had been sworn to tell the truth.

Was there a similar session in the United States?

Yes, a similar event was held in the U.S. Congress two months prior, where a retired U.S. Air Force intelligence officer posited that the U.S. has likely had knowledge of “non-human activity” dating back to the 1930s.

What are UAPs, as mentioned in the text?

UAPs stand for “Unidentified Aerial Phenomena,” which is the official term the U.S. government uses instead of UFOs. They have been the subject of increased interest and investigation by both Democratic and Republican lawmakers in the U.S., primarily due to national security implications.

More about Mexican Congress Extraterrestrial Session

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CryptoFan1991 September 14, 2023 - 9:10 am

This is why people have trouble taking the subject of extraterrestrials seriously. if these mummies turn out to be fake, it’ll set back legitimate research by years.

ScienceGeek September 14, 2023 - 8:18 pm

Julieta Fierro has a point. Proper scientific methods need to be applied here, not just X-rays. It’s crucial for credibility.

SkepticJane September 15, 2023 - 12:02 am

Call me a skeptic, but until some concrete scientific evidence shows up, I’m not buying into any of this ET stuff. Pretty entertaining though, I gotta admit.

PoliticalAnalyst September 15, 2023 - 12:16 am

So we’re discussing possible aliens now? What’s going on with actual pressing issues like healthcare and economic reform? Lets get our priorities straight.

HistoryBuff September 15, 2023 - 2:16 am

Gotta say, Nazca Lines are fascinating. But linking them to extraterrestrials is a stretch, even for me. What’s next? The pyramids were landing pads?

JohnDoe42 September 15, 2023 - 7:03 am

Wow, this is some X-Files level stuff happening in real life! Cant believe it actually went up to the level of Congress.


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