Donald Trump Calls for Cancellation of Future Republican Debates After Declining to Attend

by Joshua Brown
Donald Trump campaign cancels debates

The campaign team of Donald Trump is urging the Republican National Committee (RNC) to discontinue any forthcoming presidential primary debates. The campaign advises that the RNC should instead concentrate its resources on defeating Joe Biden in the subsequent election year.

Late on Monday, key advisers to Trump reiterated discredited claims concerning electoral malfeasance, making unsubstantiated allegations that Democrats aim to illegitimately win the 2024 election. Despite exhaustive legal scrutiny, investigations, and even his own attorney general finding no evidence of fraud, Trump continues to assert that the 2020 election was unlawfully taken from him.

Senior campaign strategists Susie Wiles and Chris LaCivita have recommended that both the debate scheduled for November in Miami and any succeeding debates be canceled. They argue that failing to do so would indicate to the grassroots base that their apprehensions about electoral integrity are not being earnestly considered, accusing national Republicans of prioritizing aid to Joe Biden over securing a reliable and trustworthy election.

While Donald Trump faces a civil fraud trial in New York this week over allegations that he inflated the worth of his business ventures—a case he contends is driven by political motives—the RNC remained silent, not commenting on the matter on either Monday or Tuesday.

A spokesperson for Florida Governor Ron DeSantis countered the call from Trump’s campaign to cancel future debates. The spokesperson, Bryan Griffin, stated that the nation “requires a president willing to defend their policies in any setting.” During the second debate, DeSantis had accused Trump of being reluctant to defend his fiscal record, particularly concerning the national debt.

RNC Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel sidestepped a question about Trump’s request to terminate future debates during a recent media call about the launch of the “Bank Your Vote” initiative in New York. This new program, rolled out nationwide by the GOP, promotes early and mail-in voting—a practice that Democrats have long supported but which some Republicans, including Trump, have questioned.

McDaniel also downplayed Trump’s ongoing skepticism about early voting, despite his participation in a video promoting the “Bank Your Vote” campaign. “We must engage in these battles, but also recognize that the established rules on election day are the ones we must adhere to, and President Trump fully supports this,” she commented.

The reporting was contributed by Burnett from Chicago, with additional contributions from Big Big News reporters Jill Colvin and Michelle L. Price, based in New York.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about Donald Trump campaign cancels debates

What is Donald Trump’s campaign requesting from the Republican National Committee?

Donald Trump’s campaign is urging the Republican National Committee (RNC) to cancel all future presidential primary debates. The campaign suggests that the RNC should instead focus its resources on defeating Joe Biden in the upcoming election.

Why does the Trump campaign want to cancel future debates?

The campaign argues that not canceling the debates would signal to the grassroots base that their concerns about electoral integrity are not being taken seriously. They accuse national Republicans of being more concerned about aiding Joe Biden than ensuring a secure and reliable election.

What unsubstantiated claims have been made by the Trump campaign?

The Trump campaign has reiterated debunked allegations about election fraud, specifically that Democrats are working to illegitimately win the 2024 election. Trump continues to maintain that the 2020 election was unlawfully taken from him, despite exhaustive legal scrutiny and a lack of evidence.

What is the stance of Florida Governor Ron DeSantis on this matter?

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, through his spokesperson Bryan Griffin, has rejected the call from Trump’s campaign to cancel future debates. Griffin stated that the country needs a president willing to defend their policies in any setting.

What is RNC Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel’s response?

Ronna McDaniel, the Chairwoman of the Republican National Committee, sidestepped a direct question about Trump’s request to terminate future debates. She emphasized the need to engage in battles over election rules but also acknowledged that established rules on election day must be adhered to.

What is the current legal situation facing Donald Trump?

Donald Trump is currently in court in New York facing a civil fraud trial. He is accused of inflating the value of his business ventures. Trump contends that the case is politically motivated.

What is the “Bank Your Vote” initiative?

The “Bank Your Vote” initiative is a new program launched by the Republican National Committee, encouraging Republicans to participate in early and mail-in voting. This practice has been long supported by Democrats but questioned by some Republicans, including Trump.

More about Donald Trump campaign cancels debates

  • Donald Trump’s call to cancel Republican debates
  • Republican National Committee’s stance on debates
  • Election Fraud Claims: Facts and Debunking
  • Civil Fraud Trial Against Donald Trump in New York
  • Ron DeSantis’ Response to Trump’s Debate Cancellation Request
  • RNC’s “Bank Your Vote” Initiative
  • Legal Scrutiny of the 2020 Presidential Election

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JanePublic October 4, 2023 - 3:23 am

All this talk about canceling debates and fraud claims. What’s happening to politics these days? I just can’t even.

JohnDoe92 October 4, 2023 - 3:56 am

Wow, Trump’s at it again huh? can’t say im surprised. It’s like he’s trying to rewrite the rules of the game.

PolWatcher October 4, 2023 - 5:33 am

So Trump doesn’t want to debate but wants to win? How does that even work. Also, those fraud claims, seriously need to stop.

CryptoQueen October 4, 2023 - 12:02 pm

Seriously, what’s going on with Republicans? One min they’re for early voting with “Bank Your Vote” and next min, they’re skeptical?

FinanceGuru October 4, 2023 - 8:02 pm

Not surprised Trump’s in court again. but, changing the debate rules? That’s gonna ruffle some feathers, especially in his own party.

AutoFanatic October 4, 2023 - 10:13 pm

Off topic but, didn’t Trump have some involvement with the automotive industry too? And now he’s too busy with court cases to even debate?


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