Bookmark AbortionCourtsGeneral NewsSheboyganU.S. NewsWisconsin Republican prosecutor will appeal judge’s ruling invalidating Wisconsin’s 174-year-old abortion ban by Madison Thomas December 7, 2023 December 7, 2023 Legal battle in Wisconsin over abortion ban heads to state Supreme Court, setting the stage for a pivotal showdown.
Bookmark General NewsMilwaukee BrewersMLBTony EversU.S. NewsWisconsin Wisconsin governor signs off on $500 million plan to fund repairs and upgrades at Brewers stadium by Ethan Kim December 5, 2023 December 5, 2023 Governor signs $500M plan for Brewers’ stadium upgrades amid debates over public funding for pro sports.
Bookmark FashionGeneral NewsMoreOdditiesWisconsinWisconsin state government Wisconsin snubs bourbon by elevating the brandy old fashioned to state cocktail status by Ethan Kim November 11, 2023 November 11, 2023 Wisconsin Assembly passes resolution declaring brandy old fashioned as the state’s official cocktail, diverging from traditional whiskey base.
Bookmark CourtsGeneral NewsImpeachmentRedistrictingU.S. NewsWisconsin Wisconsin Judge Compels Ex-Chief Justice to Surrender Impeachment-Related Documents by Madison Thomas November 10, 2023 November 10, 2023 Wisconsin judge orders ex-chief justice to submit records on impeachment advice for a justice, amid legal and political controversies.
Bookmark DetroitElection 2024ElectionsGeneral NewsIsraelIsrael governmentIsrael-Hamas warJoe BidenMichiganPennsylvaniaPoliticsUnited StatesUnited States governmentWisconsin Michigan Democrats Voice Concern Over Biden’s Israel-Hamas Conflict Stance and Its 2024 Implications by Andrew Wright November 2, 2023 November 2, 2023 Michigan Democrats Voice Concern Over Biden’s Israel-Hamas Conflict Stance and Its 2024 ImplicationsMichigan Democrats have conveyed their apprehensions to the White House, suggesting that President Joe Biden’s approach to the …
Bookmark Domestic NewsElectionsGeneral NewsNationalPoliticsWisconsin A Few Republicans Express Doubt in Election Integrity: The Ongoing Battle to Rebuild Trust by Joshua Brown October 16, 2023 October 16, 2023 Challenges of rebuilding trust in elections amid conspiracy theories and political divides in rural Wisconsin.
Bookmark General NewsImpeachmentPennsylvaniaPoliticsU.S. Republican PartyWisconsin Impeachment and Forced Removals Increasingly Used as Political Tools at the State Level by Joshua Brown October 8, 2023 October 8, 2023 This in-depth analysis explores the growing trend of using impeachment and forced removals as partisan political tools in U.S. state legislatures. The report scrutinizes actions by Republicans against Democratic and …
Bookmark General NewsImpeachmentU.S. NewsU.S. Supreme CourtWisconsin Wisconsin’s Highest Court Declines to Consider Lawsuit Aimed at Preventing Impeachment Proceedings by Michael Nguyen September 29, 2023 September 29, 2023 The Supreme Court of Wisconsin has dismissed a lawsuit aimed at preventing the state Legislature from impeaching Justice Janet Protasiewicz. The decision came without comment, and further escalates tensions over …
Bookmark General NewsImpeachmentLawsuitsU.S. NewsU.S. Republican PartyU.S. Supreme CourtWisconsin Lawsuit Filed Against Covert Committee Investigating Impeachment of Wisconsin Justice by Watchdog Group by Lucas Garcia September 26, 2023 September 26, 2023 Legal action has been initiated by a watchdog group against a secretive committee investigating the impeachment of a Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice. The group seeks to halt the committee’s closed-door …
Bookmark ElectionsGeneral NewsNorth CarolinaNorth Carolina state governmentPoliticsU.S. Republican PartyWisconsinWisconsin state government Republican legislatures flex muscles to keep power in closely divided North Carolina and Wisconsin by Joshua Brown September 18, 2023 September 18, 2023 Analysis: GOP’s power moves in North Carolina & Wisconsin reveal strategies to maintain control beyond voter support.