United States House of Representatives

by Joshua Brown
United States House of Representatives

The United States House of Representatives is the lower chamber of Congress, which along with the Senate makes up the legislative branch of government. It is composed of 435 members from all fifty states in proportion to their population and elected for two-year terms by direct popular vote. The current Speaker is Nancy Pelosi, who was elected on January 3rd 2019 and reelected in 2021.

The primary role of the House is to originate revenue bills as well as impeachments that must be voted upon by a majority before they can move onto consideration in the Senate. Other duties include passing legislation concerning national issues such as taxation, foreign policy, welfare or immigration laws; approving presidential nominations; determining new districts after each census; initiating impeachment proceedings against federal officials including presidents and vice presidents when needed; ratifying treaties between countries negotiated by executive leaders; issuing subpoenas related to congressional investigations into misconduct or other matters within its jurisdiction. Additionally, it has oversight functions over cabinet departments like Homeland Security (DHS) and Justice (DOJ).

In order for an act of legislation to become law both houses must pass it before being signed off by President but if no agreement can be made then deadlocks occur where one house passes something while another rejects it entirely making them unable to agree on anything at all resulting in stalled progress until resolution takes place either through compromise between parties involved or some other means outside those present legislatively speaking such as judicial action taken elsewhere which could force certain outcomes without any input from Congress itself – this type situation happened during USA’s health care reform debates back around 2010 when Supreme Court ruled Affordable Care Act constitutional despite lack consensus amongst legislators themselves due largely political gridlock circumstances were under time leading up decision being reached so ultimately judges had make call instead lawmakers coming together work out deal everyone happy about.[1]

[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_House_of_Representatives

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