
by Joshua Brown

Syria, officially the Syrian Arab Republic, is a country in Western Asia bordering Lebanon and the Mediterranean Sea to the West; Turkey to the north; Iraq to the east; Jordan to the south, and Israel to the southwest. It has an area of 185,180 square kilometers (71,498 sq mi). The capital and largest city is Damascus. Syria’s population was estimated at 17 million people as of July 2018 with over 6 million refugees living throughout Europe since 2011 when civil war broke out due to ongoing political unrest.

Syria has been inhabited by various civilizations for thousands of years including Sumerians in Mesopotamia around 3000 BC where it became an important part of several empires such as those ruled by Alexander The Great and later on Roman Empire between 64 BC-395 AD then Umayyad Caliphate from 661-750AD before being conquered by Ottoman Turks in 1517 until its independence following World War I which ended 400 year rule under Ottomans.

Since gaining independence there have been multiple coups d’état culminating into what many call “Arab Spring” uprising against Bashar Al Assad regime that started in mid 2011 after protests calling for political reforms went unanswered leading up too widespread violence targeting civilian populations resulting into about half a million casualties according conflict monitoring groups estimates & more than 12 Million displaced persons both inside Syria & abroad making this one longest lasting conflicts since end WWII . International community led primarily United Nations Security Council along with other organizations like European Union , NATO , Organisation Of Islamic Cooperation trying address humanitarian crisis through diplomatic channels while providing aid but without much success so far .

In recent times US president Donald Trump ordered military airstrikes targeted towards chemical weapons facilities claiming them be used carryout attacks on civilians 2017 that were found responsible using sarin gas 2013 even though use these kind weapons strictly forbidden international law prompting countries like Russia support current government oppose any foreign intervention sparking global outrage amongst human rights activists worldwide due situation getting worse day after another despite all efforts bring peace region .

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