
by Joshua Brown

Seattle is the largest city in the Pacific Northwest region of North America, located between Puget Sound and Lake Washington in King County, Washington. With a population of 744,955 as of 2020, it is the most populous city in both Washington state and the Pacific Northwest region. Seattle has an estimated 805,000 residents within its metropolitan area (known as “Greater Seattle”), making it one of the fastest growing cities in United States.

The land that would become modern-day Seattle was first inhabited by Coast Salish Native American tribes before being claimed by Europeans during exploration voyages throughout the 17th century; they named multiple settlements after Chief Sealth—the namesake for whom today’s city takes its name from. The small village grew into a major port following incorporation to serve as a gateway for trade with Alaska during mid-19th century gold rush era; this also made way for rapid growth and further industrial development over ensuing decades which included playing host to world’s fairs such as 1962 Century 21 Exposition held at former grounds now occupied by present day Space Needle attraction site .

Today Seattle remains one of nation’s primary ports working closely together with adjacent Port Of Tacoma along shipping lanes connecting them directly to distant markets across Asia & Europe while local economy continues towards diversifying beyond traditional maritime industry base becoming home not only to retail giants like Amazon but also aerospace giant Boeing whose factories are based nearby around Everett WA . Furthermore influxes of new inhabitants have brought about cultural diversity allowing district neighborhoods such Chinatown International District , Little Saigon , Pioneer Square etc., all thriving alongside iconic attractions like Pike Place Market or Fremont Troll Statue just outside downtown core plus countless parks & trails through out greater metropolitan area including 5500 acre Discovery Park nature preserve on Magnolia peninsula extending northward outwards past Ballard Locks leading onto Shilshole Bay Marina near Golden Gardens beachfront park space opening up scenic views south towards Mount Rainier’s snow capped peak off horizon line no matter what time year you visit Emerald City itself!

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