Bookmark AnimalsClimateDonald TrumpGeneral NewsNew JerseyTrumpWhales Contrary to politicians’ claims, offshore wind farms don’t kill whales. Here’s what to know. by Ryan Lee December 25, 2023 December 25, 2023 Debunking Myths: Offshore Wind Farms and Whale Deaths – What the Science Reveals
Bookmark AnimalsClimateGeneral NewsSeattleTrending NewsWhales Notification Alerts in Seattle Signal Proximity of Orcas by Chloe Baker October 29, 2023 October 29, 2023 This article delves into how Seattle residents use the Salish Wildlife Watch WhatsApp group for real-time alerts about orca sightings near their city. Created by biologist Kersti Muul, the group …
Bookmark AnimalsAP Top NewsClimateClimate changeGeneral NewsWhales Climate Change Imperils Marine Mammals in U.S. Waters, According to Comprehensive Study by Madison Thomas October 6, 2023 October 6, 2023 A comprehensive NOAA study reveals over 70% of marine mammals in U.S. waters, including whales and dolphins, are increasingly vulnerable to climate change impacts such as habitat loss and altered …
Bookmark AnimalsBiologyMorePeruScienceStuttgartWhales A potential contender for the largest animal ever, an ancient whale, discovered in Peruvian desert by Ethan Kim August 5, 2023 August 5, 2023 Unearthed ancient whale fossils in Peru may represent the heaviest animal ever, potentially surpassing blue whales.