Rock music

by Joshua Brown
Rock music

Rock music is a broad genre of popular music that originated as “rock and roll” in the United States in the late 1940s and early 1950s, developing into a range of different styles in the 1960s and later. It has its roots mainly in blues, rhythm and blues, country music, folk-music, jazz and classical. The term “rock” usually refers to rock’n’roll (a fusion of several musical genres), but it can also refer to other subgenres such as hard rock, progressive rock or heavy metal.

The development of electronic instruments during World War II was an important influence on the development of Rock Music. By 1945 there were amplifiers available with enough power for small clubs or large venues; this allowed bands to use electric guitars instead acoustic ones which greatly increased their sound volume compared to previous generations. This gave rise to what would become known as ’50’s Rock & Roll’. Artists like Elvis Presley became famous by playing up tempo songs filled with loud guitar riffs energized further by amplified drums sets filling out each song’s arrangement. In addition new recording technologies enabled producers like Sam Phillips at Sun Records record both instrumentals while singers could be heard clearly over them all due largely thanks his innovation when he used two identical microphones simultaneously pointing towards one another so they cancel out background noise from other sources within studio walls thus allowing better capture vocalist voices without distortion effects caused from outside environment elements being picked through microphone diaphragm element itself .

In Britain during mid 50’s groups started using Blues based chord progressions but pushing boundaries even more than before creating much heavier sounds full energy driven performances taking inspiration not only American musicians had been doing before them previously but some European composers too including Sergei Prokofiev whose works often featured dissonant chords built upon major/minor tonalities feeding widely recognised trademark British Invasion style we now associate 60’s Beat boom era where acts such Beatles Rolling Stones Kinks Animals Yardbirds others combined influences coming together create something unique never seen before until then time period becoming global phenomenon still heavily discussed today among passionate fans worldwide who appreciate originality creativity band members displayed throughout those days continuing play role influencing future generations come after them spanning across multiple decades till present day since golden age initial explosion onto world stage began take hold forever change face modern pop culture history books charting course along way leaving lasting impression behind mark true innovators willing push limits envelope whatever cost might entail achieving long standing success felt reverberate beyond single moment splendor while striving last remain relevant times always changing trends eras pass continue shape form ever evolving industry bring joy people everywhere giving hope dreams aspirations hopes wishes come true every person believe anything possible achieve given dedication determination will carry forward spirit live lifetimes witness skills craftsmanship witnessed greatest moments musical artistry human race produced far wide spectrum reach touched hearts many millions around globe making sure legacy left behind well documented studied cherished ages yet come ahead!

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