
by Joshua Brown

Omdurman (Arabic: أمدرمان‎, Umm-Durmān) is a city in the State of Khartoum, Sudan. It lies on the western banks of the White Nile River and serves as an important port for goods entering and leaving Sudan. With a population estimated to be around 2 million people (as of 2020), it is one of Africa’s largest cities.


Omdurman was formerly known as Fashoda during British colonial rule until 1898 when it came under Anglo-Egyptian control after General Kitchener defeated Mahdist forces at The Battle Of Omdurman which saw approximately 11000 casualties suffered by both sides combined including thousands killed or wounded. After this battle, Omdurman became an important military base used by both Egyptian and British troops in their campaigns against other African states such as Ethiopia during World War I .


Today, much like its past ,Omdurman remains an important economic hub within Sudan with many businesses from across North Africa setting up shop there due to its strategic location near key ports along the Nile river . These include companies involved in textile production , fishing industry operations , transport services , banking & finance institutions etc., all providing employment opportunities for local residents while also contributing to overall national GDP growth figures . Additionally thanks to recent investments made into infrastructure projects such as roads & bridges connecting major towns throughout Northern region coupled with increased foreign tourism over last few years has further boosted economy leading to more jobs being created thus helping reduce poverty levels drastically since early 2000s period. Finally apart from traditional markets selling spices/food items – modern shopping malls are increasingly becoming popular amongst citizens who are looking for international brands/products that usually aren’t available elsewhere within country making life easier them especially those living outside capital area where these luxuries aren’t always easily accessible yet still affordable prices compared rest world..

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