
by Joshua Brown

Medication is the administration of a drug with therapeutic or prophylactic intent. It can be used to treat, cure, prevent diseases and medical conditions as well as reduce symptoms associated with illness. Drug therapy may involve various types of medications such as prescription drugs (e.g., antibiotics), over-the-counter medicines (OTC) like aspirin and ibuprofen, herbal remedies, vitamins/minerals supplements, immunizations and possibly even alternative medicine therapies such as acupuncture or homeopathy if recommended by healthcare professionals for certain conditions.

The World Health Organization states that rational medication use should include: selection of essential drugs based on evidence; appropriate dosage; adequate information about drugs including their uses; monitoring safety in using medicines through surveillance systems; ensuring access to necessary medicinal products at an affordable price from reliable sources; quality assurance system for pharmaceuticals and services provided along the way from manufacture up until dispensing within health care facilities.[1] Medications are also often prescribed off-label – meaning they are not approved by regulatory agencies for indications other than those listed on product labeling but still have scientific data supporting their efficacy.[2] This means that doctors can prescribe medications to patients according to their clinical judgment when indicated even though it is not officially mentioned in prescribing guidelines or drug label instructions.

The type of medication needed depends upon its intended purpose– whether symptomatic relief or prevention/cure –and individual characteristics specific to each patient which need further evaluation before being able determine best course(s) of treatment[3]. Physicians typically assess effectiveness throughout treatment periods while looking out for possible side effects caused by any particular drug regimen involved so adjustments can be made accordingly [4]. Patients should also read labels carefully before taking any form of medicine since incorrect usage could lead to adverse reactions due improper dosing amounts taken per day or potential interactions between different substances contained within one’s daily supplement intake regime [5]; seek professional advice whenever uncertain about anything related regarding his/her own personal health decisions prior making them!

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