Japan government

by Joshua Brown
Japan government

The Government of Japan, commonly known as the Japanese government, is a constitutional monarchy with a parliamentary system. It is based in Tokyo and consists of three branches: executive (the Cabinet), legislative (the Diet) and judicial (the Supreme Court). The current prime minister of Japan is Yoshihide Suga.

The modern Constitution of Japan was adopted on November 3rd 1946 following World War II when the Meiji Constitution was abolished by General Douglas MacArthur who led post-war occupation forces from 1945 to 1952. This new constitution established a form of democracy with an elected parliament called the Diet which consisted two Houses; House Representatives consisting mostly elected members and House Councilors made up mainly appointed members both representing different constituencies across all prefectures in Japan.

Government Structure

Executive Branch: The executive branch consists primarily of the Prime Minister and his cabinet, whose role includes making policy decisions while being accountable to Parliament for their actions. Each ministry has its own duties such as foreign affairs, defense or education etc., but they are ultimately under direction by Prime Minister’s Office that coordinates between ministries along with other government offices like Budget Bureau or National Personnel Authority . There also exists independent administrative agencies such as Financial Services Agency responsible for regulating financial services industry or Nuclear Regulation Authority overseeing nuclear safety regulations , these are not part either Diet nor PMO however still must answer calls from them if necessary .
Legislative Branch : The legislative power resides within bicameral legislature – House Representatives & House Councilors each containing half amount seats respectively thus forming Lower & Upper Houses combined together make total 465 representatives at present time . Both houses can propose laws though only Lower house have authority pass legislation into effect unless agreed upon unanimously by Upper one then it would become law without need approval again later stage after initial passage process takes place first round voting procedure .. Judicial Branch : Judiciary branch presided over supreme court justices whom nominated chosen appointed ratified public prosecutor general national public service commission chief justice japan federation bar associations etc select panel judges serve respective terms before retirement age 70 years old end tenure automatically due compulsory retirement rule apply here too .. Additionally there exist various special courts dealing specific matters civil cases admiralty criminal labour family patent pharmaceutical arbitration proceedings intellectual property rights international trade maritime disputes so forth … Constitutional Monarchy : Lastly country headed royal family emperor currently Naruhito reigns throne title largely ceremonial powers leveraged influence nation state enormous respect people accord him symbol unity strength stability reigning monarch serves life term until abdication death happens designated successor crown prince Akishino line succession order followed afterwards..

Japan’s governmental structure reflects history ancient imperial traditions yet incorporates modern democratic elements developed since mid 1940’s ensure equality everyone regardless race gender religion social standing developing more efficient methods governing ever complex world today

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