Indiana state government

by Joshua Brown
Indiana state government

Indiana State Government is the governmental structure of Indiana as established by the Constitution of Indiana. The state government has three branches: executive, legislative and judicial. These branches are composed of several elected officials who have a specific role in governing the people and affairs within their respective areas.

The executive branch is headed by Governor Eric Holcomb and Lieutenant Governor Suzanne Crouch, both Republicans; they serve four-year terms. Other members include Superintendent Jennifer McCormick, Secretary Jim Schellinger, Attorney General Curtis Hill Jr., Auditor Tera Klutz, Treasurer Kelly Mitchell all appointed by Governor Holcomb each with varying lengths in office up to eight years per term limit laws for certain positions. In addition there are also various cabinet officers including but not limited to Health Commissioner Kristina Box , Commerce Executive Director Ian Steuer , Environmental Management Director Bruno Pigott . They assist on policy implementation for various departments throughout the state such as Education or Agriculture & Rural Development among others .

The legislative branch consists of two chambers: Senate (50 Senators) and House (100 Representatives). Each legislator serves a two year term starting every odd numbered year with elections held every November after even numbered years where half new legislators take office across both houses following general election results from that same cycle . It’s bicameral legislature meets annually at its capital Indianapolis typically between January – April sessions though special session may be called outside this window when deemed necessary most recently done under current governor during COVID-19 crisis period in 2020/21 fiscal calendar year . Leaders consist respectively Speaker Todd Huston along side President Pro Tempore Rodric Bray while other presiding officers make up rest leadership roles needed to keep proceedings running smoothly amongst committee hearings / floor debates etc.. Laws passed must undergo approval process via signature from sitting governor which can result either signing into effect or vetoing if issues arise needing further discussion before being made official statute inside Hoosier State jurisdiction area ..

Lastly judiciary system contains Supreme Court comprising five justices chosen based upon merit alone rather than political backgrounds allowing them fair discretion via independent thinking over cases argued before court whether civil or criminal matters involving children youth adults seniors alike .. Below this level exist seven district courts consisting Circuit Courts Appellate Courts Tax Court Probate Courts followed then lastly smaller local ones like City Town Township County Municipal Judges deciding small claims litigation disputes heard generally without need jury present yet still adhering legal standards set forth properly administrated due process rules outlined written constitutional law protecting citizens rights freedoms oftentimes referred these days relying heavily technology advancements seen past decade so considered modernizing some aspects operations albeit keeping integrity remained paramount concern public servants constantly strive uphold everyday life serving constituents far away Capitol Building located downtown Indy vicinity ..

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