
by Joshua Brown

Immunization, also known as vaccination, is the process of introducing an antigen into the body to stimulate a person’s immune system and build immunity against a specific virus or bacteria. This helps protect individuals from disease and prevent the spread of infection in communities. Vaccines can be administered through injection, ingestion (oral vaccine), topical application (e.g., skin patches) or inhalation (nasal spray). Immunizations are widely used all over the world to reduce mortality rates due to infectious diseases such as measles, whooping cough, polio and diphtheria among others.

Edward Jenner was one of first pioneers in immunization when he successfully inoculated people with cowpox matter which provided protection from smallpox in 1796. In subsequent decades other scientists have developed vaccines for many different viruses including yellow fever by Pierre-Charles-Alexandre Louis; cholera by William Budd; rabies by Louis Pasteur; typhoid fever by Almroth Edward Wright ; tuberculosis by Robert Koch; plague by Shibasaburo Kitasato and tetanus toxoid vaccine discovered jointly between Behring & Kitasato both published their work independently about same time at 1894 . The development has been continuous ever since with newer vaccines being introduced based on improved technology that allows better understanding of how pathogens cause illness leading to more effective formulations for preventing disease transmission .
Modern Day Usage
Today immunization remains one of most important public health interventions that saves millions lives annually worldwide according studies conducted Global Alliance Vaccines Immunisation(GAVI). It is estimated around three million deaths were prevented due use vaccinations 2015 alone GAVI’s efforts expand access these life saving treatments developing nations especially those areas high risk exposure like Africa Middle East where prevalence certain illnesses much higher than elsewhere globe . Additionally World Health Organization WHO recommends routine administration several key vaccines throughout childhood adulthood remain protected common yet potentially deadly infections through out lifespan particular focus given vulnerable populations infants young children elderly persons those weakened immune systems HIV/AIDS patients etc order ensure they receive necessary level protection available resources allow ..

In conclusion , immunizations provide reliable method safeguarding population various dangerous infectious diseases continue play critical role public health agenda future generations come

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