
by Joshua Brown

The eagle is a large bird of prey found in most parts of the world. They are members of several genera within the family Accipitridae, which also includes hawks, kites and Old World vultures. Eagles have powerful hooked bills for tearing flesh from their prey, strong legs and powerful talons. The largest species normally attain an adult weight between 4-7 kilograms (8–15 lbs) and a wingspan of up to 2 meters (6 ft).

Eagles live in habitats ranging from deserts to jungles and temperate forests; they tend to avoid heavily populated areas unless driven out by human activities such as hunting or encroachment on nesting sites. Some eagles construct very large nests made with sticks high up in tall trees or even cliffsides where they can remain safe from predators while incubating their eggs or raising young chicks. Many species hunt during daylight hours but some may also be active at night when food sources become available due to artificial lighting such as streetlamps near riverside fishing spots used by salmonid fish returning upstream after spawning season has passed them by..

Eagle diets vary widely depending upon habitat type but generally include small mammals like rabbits, squirrels and hares; reptiles including snakes; birds including other raptors like owls; amphibians like frogs & salamanders; insects including grasshoppers & spiders plus carrion (dead animals) scavenged from carcasses left behind by hunters/poachers etc… Commonly consumed fruits include berries although there are reports that some species will eat fruit if it’s readily accessible – this behavior was observed among Bald Eagles living close enough to farmlands where grain crops were grown allowing these avian apex predators easy access into ‘crop raiding’ opportunities!

Generally speaking though, eagles prefer fresh meat – especially wildfowl which represent approximately 45% percent of all eagle kills according studies conducted since 1970s era research began gathering data on these fascinating creatures’ dietary habits..
In recent years increasing numbers bald & golden eagles have been seen around urban areas feeding mostly off road kill deer carcasses left along highways leading wildlife biologists believe that manmade changes our environment could actually benefit certain types predatory birds who wouldn’t otherwise find suitable food supply nearby without human interference…

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