Bookmark AnimalsEaglesGeneral NewsIndictmentsMissoulaMontanaU.S. News 2 men are charged with killing 3,600 birds, including bald and golden eagles, to sell on the black market by Lucas Garcia December 15, 2023 December 15, 2023 Serious charges filed in the killing of 3,600 birds, including bald eagles, for a black market trade. Wildlife crime exposed.
Bookmark Joe BidenAnimalsBusinessClimate and environmentEaglesPoliticsU.S. NewsWashington news The Decline of Criminal Cases for Killing Eagles and the Growing Dangers of Wind Turbines by Joshua Brown May 17, 2023 May 17, 2023 In Rolling Hills, Wyoming, the United States wildlife department has seen a decrease in criminal cases involving harming or killing bald and golden eagles. Even though this number has decreased,…
Bookmark Trending NewsEagles Tragic End to EagleCam Story as Heavy Winds Blow Nest From Tree and Eaglet Dies by Sophia Chen April 4, 2023 April 4, 2023 Many people who were watching the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources EagleCam got really sad over the weekend. This was because a huge storm came and blew away the nest…