Corpus Christi

by Joshua Brown
Corpus Christi

Corpus Christi, commonly known as the Sparkling City by the Sea is a coastal city in the South Texas region of the U.S. state of Texas. It lies on Nueces Bay and Corpus Christi Bay and is located approximately 150 miles (240 km) southeast of San Antonio. Its population was estimated to be 326,554 in 2019 making it one of the eight most populous cities in Texas; its metropolitan area has an estimated population nearing 450,000 people across three counties: Aransas, Kleberg and Nueces County .

The city’s name means “Body of Christ” in Latin which served as inspiration for Spanish explorer Alonso Alvarez de Pineda when he named it during his 1519 expedition along what would later become known as The Gulf Coast or El Mar Caribe Mexicano (the Caribbean Mexican sea). At that time Corpus Christi was inhabited by Karankawa Indians who lived primarily off fish from nearby bays and estuaries such as Copano bayou near present day Rockport TX where they built their palafitos or stilt houses over shallow waters protected from storms while still having access to food sources like oysters crabs shrimp etc..

Modern times have seen many changes take place throughout this vibrant seaport town with economic development spurred on by tourism industry growth corporate investment military presence higher education opportunities medical research & services retail banking shipping energy resources auto manufacturing technology advancements at places like NASA’s Kingsville site local businesses start ups & more all contributing to make Corpus Christi shine even brighter each year! In addition there are plenty recreational activities available including golfing sailing fishing bird watching kayaking surfing camping biking music festivals art galleries historical sites marinas museums aquariums nature reserves beach parks shopping centers restaurants nightlife attractions plus some great cultural celebrations like Fiestas Del Carmen La Luz Del Mundo Carnaval De Las Americas A Night On The Beach Festival Of Sail Mardi Gras Parade Tejano Music Awards TEX-MEX BBQ Fest Cinco De Mayo Celebration Celebrate America Independence Day Fireworks Display Christmas Tree Lighting And so much more ….all just waiting for you here at sunny sparkling beautiful downtown CORPUS CHRISTI!!

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