
by Joshua Brown

Bullfighting is a traditional spectacle in which one or more bulls are baited and fought by human “matadors” (bullfighters) for sport, entertainment and sometimes ritual purposes. It originated from animal husbandry practices of ancient cultures in Iberia, including pre-Roman Celtic societies. During the event, participants attempt to stab an aggressive bull with a sword or lance while dodging its attacks. The modern version of bullfighting as practiced today dates back to 1726 when Francisco Romero codified the rules into what has become known as classical style Spanish bullfighting.

The tradition remains popular in Spain, Portugal and some Latin American countries although it has been banned altogether or partially restricted in certain regions due to animal rights concerns expressed by opponents who perceive it as cruel treatment towards animals. Bullfights usually take place on weekends during summer months; each typically lasts 15–20 minutes unless the matador opts for mercy killing earlier than that.

A typical bullfight consists of six stages where various events occur: 1) Tercio de Varas (lancing stage), 2)Tercio de Banderillas (daggering stage), 3)Suerte de Matar o muerte del toro(killing stage); 4)Ceremonial Salutes 5))Paseillo y 6 )Despacho/Descabello/Espada(the formal ending). In addition there may be other sections such as Cuadrilla & Picador depending upon local custom at particular venues such as Madrid’s Las Ventas arena where they have their own specific traditions and rituals during these fights which makes them quite unique compared with other locations across Spain & elsewhere around world .

Bulls used for fighting are specially bred for aggression through selective breeding; most come from herds located near towns associated with famous arenas like those found along Camino Real—a road running between Seville & Madrid –where horseback riders would ride out everyday searching countryside looking suitable candidates ready challenge any aspiring torero’s skills . They also weigh up 450 kilograms ,stand about 1 meter tall at shoulder length&are selected based on size ,strength courage before being put test inside ring itself against red cape wielding adversaries .

There is no definitive rule book governing how a fight should unfold since individual matadors tend improvise according their personal styles ; however general objective remains same : make good impression audience ‘by showing off skillful moves whilst keeping danger level high enough keep spectators interested but safe all times too! Of course this often means putting life risk every time enter corrida – something many aficionados consider part art form within context larger cultural identity tied country’s history centuries old traditions involved here ..

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