
by Joshua Brown

Arizona is a state located in the southwestern region of the United States. It is one of four states that make up the Four Corners region, along with Utah, Colorado and New Mexico. Arizona covers an area of 113,990 square miles (295,244 km2) making it the sixth largest U.S. state by size; its population was estimated at 6,731,484 as of 2020 according to The World Population Review . Its capital and largest city is Phoenix with 1 million people residing there in 2019 , making it one of the most populous cities in America .

The land comprising what would eventually become Arizona has been inhabited for thousands of years by indigenous peoples including Hohokam, Mogollon and Ancestral Puebloans who left behind some stunning archaeological sites such as Montezuma Castle National Monument and Saguaro National Park near Tucson. Spanish explorers arrived to this area during their search for gold beginning around 1540 before being claimed part or all through several treaties between 1821-53 when it became part Mexican territory until they ceded these lands after losing their war against US forces known as “the Mexican American War” which ended in 1848 – officially establishing today’s borders though Native Americans still have strong presence here too especially on reservations like Navajo Nation & Gila River Indian Community
California Gold Rush also brought many settlers over but then came big shift once railroads were built connecting east coast cities so more immigrants could be drawn into becoming homesteaders – leading way towards territorial status granted 1863 followed shortly thereafter admission union 1912 Making Arizona first western contiguous join Union! Since then tourism has played important role economy due variety attractions ranging from Grand Canyon other natural wonders metropolitan areas like Scottsdale Tempe Mesa vibrant culture arts events etcetera Today visitors can enjoy everything outdoorsy recreational activities desert climate grandeur Sonoran Desert beautiful mountain ranges rivers lakes forests nearby ski resorts golf courses plus historical landmarks architectural marvels diverse range shopping dining culinary adventures nightlife entertainment options well thriving business scene And course no visit complete without sampling famous Southwestern fare signature margaritas delicious Tex Mex style dishes same time taking opportunity explore monuments memorials commemorate early pioneers those sacrificed fight battles preserved freedom generations come

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