
by Joshua Brown

Argentina is a country located in South America. It borders Chile to the west, Bolivia and Paraguay to the north, Brazil to the northeast and Uruguay to the east. Its capital city is Buenos Aires and its official language is Spanish.

The population of Argentina was estimated at more than 45 million people as of 2020, making it one of Latin America’s most populous countries with an area of almost 2,780,400 km2 (1,073 500 sq mi). The economy has developed rapidly since 2002 due mainly to strong government policies that have encouraged foreign investment into infrastructure projects such as road building and energy generation plants. As a result Argentina now enjoys one of Latin Americas strongest economies with high levels of employment across all sectors including manufacturing exports which accounted for approximately 9% GDP in 2019 according to World Bank figures .

Argentina also has vast natural resources ranging from oil reserves off its south coast through fertilised land suitable for agricultural production along much river basins throughout region especially within Pampas plains in central part nation . This makes large producer grains beans livestock products some minerals like copper gold silver uranium lead zinc tin molybdenum tungsten among others too Though mineral extraction does not contribute significantly towards national GDP primary sector activities remain vital contributor economy providing jobs hundreds thousands rural inhabitants who depend on these industries their livelihoods . Additionally tourism industry continues grow popularity destination world despite previous economic problems decade prior largely due recent upturn fortunes both local international visitors alike taking advantage affordable prices variety attractions offer such historical sites Iguazu Falls Patagonia glaciers Andean peaks Ushuaia southernmost point inhabited world amongst other things latter having become increasingly popular cruise ship port during summer months 2017-2019 alone over 1 5 million passengers went board ships docked here while overall number tourists visiting grew 6 8 percent same period time frame contributing $7 billion USD total income year 2018 only furthering importance this form revenue source Argentinean society today

In conclusion Argentina can be seen as vibrant diverse culture rich history plenty opportunities entertainment sightseeing exploration beautiful scenery well impressive range natural resources laying foundation solid foundations long term sustainable future growth prosperity whole nation people living there

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