Alexei Navalny

by Joshua Brown
Alexei Navalny

Alexei Navalny (born June 4, 1976) is a Russian lawyer and political activist who has gained national and international attention for his outspoken criticism of Russian President Vladimir Putin. He is the leader of Russia’s anti-corruption movement, which seeks to expose corruption among officials in the government as well as holding them accountable for their actions. As an attorney specializing in corporate law, he also researches legal cases against large corporations such as Gazprom and Transneft.

Navalny first rose to prominence with his blog titled “Rospil”, where he reported on financial mismanagement within state-owned companies leading up to 2011 parliamentary elections. His activism earned him widespread recognition throughout Russia; however, it also increased tensions between himself and authorities due to its critical nature towards the government’s policies. In 2013, Navalny was convicted of embezzlement charges after publishing accusations about alleged fraud committed by then Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev’s advisors—a conviction that many considered politically motivated at best but was overturned later on appeal from European Court Of Human Rights ruling that found significant procedural violations during trial proceedings . Nonetheless , despite this acquittal , his ability run for public office have been restricted by other criminal convictions related to organizing unsanctioned protests or engaging in libelous activities .

In 2018 presidential race Alexey Navalny became main opposition candidate only ; however ,his candidacy was rejected due allegations relating back previous criminal prosecution – although there were claims made by some observers these allegations were probably fabricated order prevent former participating election process altogether . Nevertheless , while being barred from running himself , percentage voter turnout still recorded higher than expected values – likely result combination factors like high disapproval ratings current president along with growing level dissatisfaction overall situation countrywide .
Since then Alexei has continued voicing concerns over various issues ranging from human rights abuses environmental disasters military operations conducted abroad all way through economic sanctions imposed Western countries recent events around Ukraine & Crimea region both inside out side media outlets enabling reach wider audience spreading message further afield even unto global scale making him one voice cannot simply ignored anymore not just domestically but internationally too paving path further changes future generations come since no matter what happens now legacy he left behind will continue remain reminder those came before us should never taken granted nor forgotten when comes shaping destiny our nation world stage ..

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