
by Joshua Brown

Abortion is the deliberate termination of a human pregnancy, most often performed during the first 28 weeks of pregnancy. It is done either through medical procedures or by taking medicines. Abortion has been a controversial subject throughout history due to moral, ethical and religious beliefs on when life begins and if it should be ended prematurely.

In 1973, abortion became legal in the United States with the landmark Supreme Court case Roe v Wade which determined that women had a constitutional right to privacy which superseded any state laws criminalizing abortion within certain limits. This ruling gave rise to an ongoing debate between those who believe that abortions are morally wrong versus those who argue for its availability as part of reproductive rights for women including health care decisions being made solely by them instead of government interference into private matters. Since then there have been many court rulings affecting access to abortions such as parental consent requirements for minors seeking abortions without permission from their parents or guardians and waiting periods before obtaining an abortion procedure at various locations across states in US jurisdiction among others restrictions depending on local legislation nationwide .

The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that about 25 million unsafe abortions occurred each year worldwide prior to Covid-19 pandemic causing approximately 22000 deaths annually with majority occurring in developing countries where access and safe services can be limited due lack resources available compared more developed nations like Europe North America etcetera . WHO recommends providing comprehensive sexuality education increase access contraception methods , ensure quality antenatal care improve postabortion care support increasing family planning awareness reduce gender inequality promote healthy relationships so people make informed choices prevent unintended pregnancies altogether thus reducing need unwanted terminations but also decreasing maternal mortality rates overall too.. However this view does not align everyone’s beliefs especially pro-life activists who consider all forms ending human life equivalent murder regardless circumstances surrounding decision taken hence why debates still continue today even after almost 50 years since legalization itself took place initially back 1971…

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