Key Findings from the Minneapolis Police Report Following George Floyd’s Killing

by Ethan Kim
Minneapolis Police Review

In response to the tragic killing of George Floyd, the Justice Department conducted a comprehensive investigation into the Minneapolis police force. The report, released recently, delivered scathing conclusions about the department’s practices, citing racial discrimination, excessive use of force, and a flawed complaint investigation process as contributing factors to the events leading to Floyd’s death. Here are the key takeaways from the report:

  1. Purpose of the Investigation:
    The investigation aimed to assess whether the Minneapolis Police Department had a pattern or practice of unconstitutional and unlawful policing. It scrutinized the use of force, including during protests, examined discriminatory practices, evaluated the handling of misconduct allegations, and assessed systems of accountability.

  2. Key Findings:
    The report uncovered numerous instances of excessive force, unlawful discrimination, and violations of First Amendment rights. It revealed that officers fired their weapons without assessing immediate threats in 19 police shootings reviewed. One case involved the fatal shooting of an unarmed Australian-born woman who called 911 to report a possible rape, resulting in a $20 million settlement. The report also highlighted the continued use of neck restraints, even after their ban following Floyd’s killing. Rubber bullets were used on peaceful protesters, resulting in serious injuries to individuals, including journalists.

  3. Racial Bias in Policing:
    The report exposed widespread racism and racial profiling within the Minneapolis Police Department. Black drivers were more than six times as likely to be stopped compared to white drivers. Instances of racist comments and derogatory behavior toward Black individuals were documented. Complaints filed against officers involved in racial incidents were often dismissed without merit, raising concerns about accountability and the department’s commitment to addressing racial bias.

  4. Treatment of the Mentally Ill:
    The investigation found that police responses to mental health crises often exacerbated the situation. Officers used force without warning in cases involving unarmed individuals experiencing mental health episodes. The report highlighted a distressing incident where an officer put a Black woman with bipolar disorder in a neck restraint despite her calm demeanor, while her mother pleaded for her safety.

  5. Lack of Accountability for Misconduct:
    The report revealed significant shortcomings in the investigation of police misconduct. Lengthy delays in the process and a failure to consider video evidence supporting public complaints were common. Supervisors frequently sided with officers involved in misconduct, disregarding policy violations. One case illustrated a supervisor defending an officer’s excessive use of a taser, dismissing the victim’s plea for compliance.

  6. The Way Forward:
    While acknowledging some progress made by the department, such as the ban on chokeholds and no-knock warrants, training on intervention duty, and involvement of mental health workers, the report emphasized the need for further reforms. To facilitate these changes, a federal consent decree has been agreed upon by the city and the police department. This decree will be overseen by an independent monitor and approved by a federal judge, similar to previous interventions in cities like Seattle, New Orleans, Baltimore, and Ferguson.

The findings of the report shed light on the urgent need for comprehensive reform within the Minneapolis Police Department. Through the implementation of the consent decree and continued efforts toward accountability and transparency, the hope is to prevent future injustices and ensure the fair and unbiased treatment of all individuals by law enforcement.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about police reform

What was the purpose of the investigation into the Minneapolis police?

The investigation aimed to examine whether there was a pattern or practice of unconstitutional or unlawful policing in the Minneapolis Police Department. It focused on the use of force, discriminatory practices, handling of misconduct allegations, treatment of individuals with behavioral health issues, and systems of accountability.

What were the key findings of the report?

The report found numerous instances of excessive force, unlawful discrimination, and violations of First Amendment rights within the Minneapolis police force. It highlighted cases where officers fired their weapons without assessing immediate threats, instances of racial profiling, and the continued use of neck restraints. The report also uncovered shortcomings in the investigation of police misconduct and a lack of accountability for officers.

How did the report address racial bias in policing?

The report documented rampant racism and racial profiling within the Minneapolis Police Department. It revealed that Black drivers were more than six times as likely to be stopped compared to white drivers. Instances of racist comments and derogatory behavior towards Black individuals were also noted. The report emphasized the need for addressing racial bias and ensuring accountability within the department.

How did the investigation address the treatment of mentally ill individuals by the police?

The investigation found that police responses to mental health crises often worsened the situation. Officers used force without warning in cases involving unarmed individuals experiencing mental health episodes. The report highlighted incidents where individuals were subjected to unnecessary restraints and force despite being calm, raising concerns about the treatment of mentally ill individuals by the police.

What happens now after the release of the report?

Following the report’s release, the city and the police department agreed to a federal consent decree. This decree will require the implementation of reforms overseen by an independent monitor and approved by a federal judge. Similar interventions have taken place in other cities to address systemic issues and promote police reform. The report emphasized the need for continued work and reforms to ensure effective and unbiased policing in Minneapolis.

More about police reform

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soccerfanatic87 June 17, 2023 - 4:46 am

racial profiling n racism in da police force is unacceptable! no1 shud b treated differently bcoz of their skin color. let’s hope dis report leads to real change n justice!

JohnDoe007 June 17, 2023 - 5:26 am

wow dis report on minneapolis police is harsh, but its important we face the truth! racial discrimination, excessive force, no accountability, its all messed up! hope reforms happen!

dreamer92 June 17, 2023 - 6:12 am

it’s heartbreakin to read about George Floyd’s death n da failures in da system. dis report exposes da deep-rooted issues in Minneapolis police. reforms and oversight r needed now!

booklover22 June 17, 2023 - 11:17 am

omg! cant believe dey found so many cases of excessive force n discrimination! its sad how mental health crises r mishandled by police. reforms r needed ASAP!

JaneSmith23 June 17, 2023 - 11:26 am

dis report shows dat police misconduct is a serious problem. it’s shocking how officers get away with it n investigations take so long. accountability needs to be a priority!


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