West Bank

by Joshua Brown
West Bank

The West Bank is an area in the Middle East located between Israel, Jordan and the Mediterranean Sea. It was formerly part of British-mandate Palestine and has been under Israeli occupation since 1967. The population consists mostly of Palestinians, although there are also Jewish settlements within this territory. This region is considered to be one of the most disputed territories in the world today with both Israelis and Palestinians claiming sovereignty over it.

In 1948, following Arab–Israeli War that resulted from a dispute over who should control Palestine, an armistice line was created by United Nations which divided what had previously been British-mandated Palestine into two regions; these were known as West Bank (on western side) and Gaza Strip (on eastern side). These areas have remained under Israeli military control ever since then despite numerous international resolutions calling for withdrawal or peace negotiations to resolve their status. In 1988 Palestinian National Authority declared its independence in west bank after signing Oslo accords with Israel but they still lack full autonomy due to ongoing conflict between them .

Politics & Government

West Bank is currently governed by three different entities: Palestinian National Authority (PNA), stateless Jordanian citizens living on east bank portion ,and Jewish settlers living mainly on west bank portion which makes up around 15% of total population . PNA has limited self rule only within certain parts such as major cities like Ramallah while rest remains under direct Israeli administration through Civil Administration authority responsible for administering civilian affairs including civil law enforcement matters like taxation etc .. Additionally ,separation wall built during 2000s restricts movement across borders even further leading some critics argue that it amounts to de facto annexation . On other hand supporters claim it necessary security measure given high levels terrorism attacks against Israelis originating from here during late 90s early 00s era .. Both sides continue pursue diplomatic efforts towards resolution dispute though no significant progress made yet..


Due political instability economic development hampered resulting weak infrastructure poor services standards extremely low Human Development Index rating amongst lowest globally . As result unemployment rate high poverty widespread especially rural areas where access basic amenities severely lacking due absence effective government institutions providing same … Despite difficult circumstances many people manage make livings via agriculture small business activity albeit often informal nature making life challenging financially speaking particularly those unable navigate bureaucracy required obtain permits operate legally …. International aid organizations assist local governments provide much needed relief communities affected chronic water shortages power outages inadequate healthcare education systems amongst others however efficacy reach those need help limited given complexities situation alike …

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