
by Joshua Brown

Venezuela, officially the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, is a country on the northern coast of South America. It has an estimated population of over 28 million people and covers an area of 882,050 square kilometers (340,560 sq mi). Its capital and largest city is Caracas. The official language is Spanish.

The territory now known as Venezuela was colonized by Spain in 1522 following Christopher Columbus’ exploration voyage to South America in 1498. During colonial rule it became part of New Granada with its capital at Santa Fe de Bogotá which later changed its name to Colombia after independence from Spain in 1819. In 1830 Venezuela declared itself independent during a civil war against what would become Colombia referred to as the Federal War or Great War for Venezuelan Independence led by Simón Bolívar who went on to lead other countries such as Peru into independence from Spanish rule creating Gran Columbia which eventually split into modern-day Bolivia, Ecuador and Panama along with present day Colombia & Venezuela.

In 1948 another period began called “El Trienio Adeco” where democracy prevailed until 1958 when military dictator Marcos Pérez Jimenez took power overthrowing President Romulo Gallegos whom had been democratically elected just two years prior resulting in political unrest throughout much of Latin American History due mainly towards Military Rule imposed upon them without any regard for citizens rights leading up until today’s current government under Nicolás Maduro Moros whom won his election back in 2013 but has since faced international outcry over human rights violations amongst other issues causing economic hardship within this once prosperous nation whose economy heavily relies on oil exports making it vulnerable whenever prices drop worldwide like what happened recently prompting US sanctions alongside Canada & European Union among others while Russia continues supporting him diplomatically despite international pressure mounting each day forcing Venezuelans out their homes seeking refuge elsewhere such as neighboring countries like Brazil or further away places like United States adding more strain onto already fragile relations between these nations complicating matters even further thus ending our short overview about Venezuelan history here concluding that only time will tell if they can find peace again someday soon…

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