
by Joshua Brown

Tigers (Panthera tigris) are a species of large cats native to parts of Asia. The tiger is the largest and most powerful of all living felines, with some subspecies such as the Bengal Tiger weighing up to 600 pounds or more. Tigers have thick fur coats that range from orange-brown to yellowish-gray in color, with white markings on their chest and face. They also possess distinctive black stripes across their body which serve as camouflage when hunting prey.

The natural habitat for tigers includes grasslands, tropical forests, savannas and mangrove swamps; however, due to human activities such as poaching and deforestation they are now primarily found in India’s reserves such as Ranthambore National Park and Corbett National Park. According to recent estimates there are only between 3200-4300 wild tigers left worldwide – this represents an alarming decline from over 100000 individuals just one century ago!

To protect these majestic animals conservation efforts like Project Tiger have been set up by governments around the world while organizations like WWF seek donations towards protecting them in their natural habitats. In addition captive breeding programs exist at many zoos so that future generations can experience seeing these beautiful creatures firsthand while learning about how best we can help preserve them going forward into the 21st century!

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