
by Joshua Brown

Surgery is a medical specialty that uses operative manual and instrumental techniques on a patient to investigate or treat a pathological condition such as disease or injury, to help improve bodily function, appearance, or quality of life. Operations are generally classified into major and minor categories. Major operations have more risk associated with them than minor ones but can bring greater benefit for the patient in terms of improved health outcomes.


Surgery has been used since antiquity for both cosmetic reasons and treatment purposes. Evidence suggests that surgical procedures were practiced in Ancient Egypt as far back as 2800 BC; archaeologists uncovered knives from this era which had been crafted specifically for surgery use. Surgical technique underwent significant development during the Middle Ages when barber-surgeons began performing simple procedures such as bloodletting and setting broken bones using only rudimentary instruments like forceps, scalpels, saws and hooks made out of wood or metal alloys (especially bronze). The 18th century was known as “The Golden Age” of surgery due to advances in anesthesia which allowed surgeons to perform lengthy complex operations without causing pain to their patients—in particular Johann Friedrich Dieffenbach who introduced many new methods including plastic surgery after being inspired by his observations while working at an army hospital near Berlin during Napoleon’s wars against Russia (1812–14).

Modern developments

In modern times there have been numerous technological advancements within the field leading it towards further specialization based upon specific areas such organ transplants/vascular reconstructions (cardiothoracic), neurosurgery etcetera—many requiring extensive training before becoming certified practitioners due its highly technical nature involving sophisticated medical equipment like MRI scans & CAT scans combined with knowledge acquired over years through experience whilst operating on human bodies under pressure often having less than ideal conditions available given that lives may be at stake depending upon how successful any procedure is carried out thus why most countries require potential candidates go study medicine first either directly after high school graduation or later stage via postgraduate courses prior taking up residency programs lasting several years followed by fellowships where they learn advance skills required become qualified specialist each area .

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