Saudi Arabia

by Joshua Brown
Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia is a Middle Eastern country located in the Arabian Peninsula bordered by Jordan, Iraq, Qatar, Kuwait, Bahrain and the United Arab Emirates. It has a population of over 33 million people. The official language spoken in Saudi Arabia is Arabic and its currency is Riyal (SAR).

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia was founded in 1932 when King Abdulaziz Al Saud unified his four kingdoms into one state. Since then he governed as absolute monarch until his death on November 9th 1953 at which point his son succeeded him to become king Saud bin Abdul Aziz Al-Saud who from that moment served as Monarch for another 24 years until late 1977 when Crown Prince Fahd Bin Abdel Aziz took power after suffering from a stroke due to old age and general health complications.
King Salman bin Abd al-Aziz became ruler since 2015 following the death of Abdullah bin Abd al-Aziz who held this position since 2005 till January 23rd 2015 . In 2017 Mohammed Bin Salman became crown prince thus becoming second deputy premier under Salam’s rule , also known as MbS .

Being an Islamic State ruled according to Sharia law all aspects related to politics , economics or social life are based upon it . This includes religious police called mutawa enforcing public morality via dress codes checking gender segregation or punishing those caught drinking alcohol while non muslims aren’t allowed Christianity practice nor any other religion than Islam within its borders except Sunni Muslims with Shia minority present mostly around Qatif region near Persian gulf coast line where most oil wells exist producing up to 12 % world daily production some estimates say between 8 – 10 Million barrels/day besides having one fifth global proven reserves estimated at 266 billion barrels without considering offshore drilling operations either

As part of economic diversification strategy post oil prices drop back 2016 Vision 2030 plan was created aiming towards modernizing society away from fossil fuels & renewable energy investments plus attracting foreign investors through privatization process such rich companies like Sabic petrochemical group being sold off partially during 2020 December following Aramco IPO launch back 2019 raising more than $29 Billion USD making it largest share sale ever seen surpassing Alibaba 2014 record .

Education system underwent major changes increasing female participation rate as well girls literacy level starting 2007 allowing them access higher education institutions before entering job market successfully competing against men over private sector positions yet still facing legal restrictions regarding rights women have compared males including marriage minimum age limit set 18 years old only granted if father permits not freely chosen by themselves unless married already although courts can waive this provision depending child psychological maturity regardless parental choice

Despite many advances achieved throughout last decade human right activists say there still plenty violations concerning freedom expression lack political parties existence independent media censorship despite recognizing UPR recommendations sent 2018 special rapporteur Jamie McGoldrick reported abuses were committed against minorities specially Shiites residing eastern province whom suffered torture arbitrary arrests even executions especially during 2011 – 2016 period amid anti government protests calling greater autonomy respect civil liberties taking place mainly cities like Awamiyah Awwamiya Dammam Qatif Hofuf Jubail Khobar etc

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