Public media

by Joshua Brown
Public media

Public media refers to any type of communication that is made available publicly, free of charge. This includes television and radio stations, newspapers, magazines and websites run by non-profit organizations or government agencies. Public media has the potential to inform citizens on a variety of topics including news events, public health awareness campaigns and educational programming for children.

The history of public media dates back centuries when printed materials were used as an affordable way to spread information throughout communities quickly. The invention of the printing press in 1450 allowed more people access to books which provided them with knowledge they had not previously been exposed to before its creation. Since then advances in technology have created new forms of public media such as television in 1884 by John Logie Baird from Scotland and later radio broadcasts during World War I (1914–18). In 1926 the Federal Communications Commission was established in the United States allowing for regulation over broadcasting providers like PBS (Public Broadcasting Service) who are funded through donations from viewers or grants awarded from governments worldwide .
PBS began airing programs across America on October 5th 1970 revolutionizing how Americans received their daily dose news stories, current affairs discussions & entertainment shows without being bombarded with advertisements every few minutes like commercial networks do today . It’s estimated that approximately 80 million homes tune into PBS each month giving it one most watched channels countrywide despite competition broadcast companies offer with their massive budgets commercials production costs . Other countries around world also benefit having their own versions network such BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation) founded 1922 providing Britons similar services those found American counterpart but tailored towards needs British audience .

Impact Of Public Media On Society
Today many emerging economies rely heavily upon publically owned broadcasters fill gaps left behind private sector operators due increasing cost associated running business within competitive market conditions therefore relying profits generated advertisement revenues remain profitable this puts strain smaller operations further contributing existing monopolies forcing price hikes subscription fees amongst consumers ultimately reducing overall viewership numbers leading closure multiple outlets time goes There however silver lining here because even if large majority population unable pay these high prices still able receive basic education healthcare related informational programmes offered no cost through efforts organisations like UNICEF UNESCO etc whom provide vital services impoverished rural areas where internet coverage minimal nonexistent thus making essential resource those living poverty stricken parts planet Furthermore recent studies suggest engagement content produced via platforms increases general understanding particular subject matter aiding advancement society whole regardless economic status individual members With growing number connected users social networking sites rising popularity mobile applications justifiable argue ‘’publicly shared’’ trend continues expand foreseeable future offering everyone opportunity contribute share ideas freely something could lead revolutionary changes ways think interact next generation leaders entrepreneurs thinkers visionaries all coming together form collaborative effort bring about positive change betterment mankind entire species alike All considered conclusion be drawn importance role plays ensuring equitable distribution beneficial resources ensuring quality life millions less fortunate individuals families whose dreams ambitions might otherwise never fulfilled given unfortunate circumstances born into Lastly serve reminder us always strive create maintain open transparent environment can help raise standards our everchanging dynamic global community

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