
by Joshua Brown

Panama is a country located in Central America, between Colombia and Costa Rica. It is bordered by the Caribbean Sea to its north, the Pacific Ocean to its south, and has an impressive 80-mile long canal that connects these two oceans. The capital of Panama City is home to over 1 million people who enjoy many attractions including museums, art galleries, theaters and cultural activities such as festivals celebrating holidays like Carnaval.

The Republic of Panama was first inhabited by various indigenous tribes before being colonized by Spain in 1519. After declaring independence from Spain in 1821 it became part of Gran Colombia until 1903 when it separated itself from Colombia after American intervention resulting in US control over the Canal Zone for 77 years until 1979 when sovereignty was fully restored back to Panama with help from Jimmy Carter’s presidency.

Economically speaking Panama has developed into a prosperous nation thanks mainly due to revenue generated through shipping fees collected at the canal which today remains one of their primary sources of income along with tourism (which accounts for 8% GDP) and other services related industries such as banking centers or free trade zones where foreign investments are welcomed especially during recent times leading up 2010 when new laws were passed making it easier do business here thus helping stimulate economic growth even further while also creating more job opportunities both directly & indirectly associated with this sector. Furthermore there have been vast improvements made regarding public infrastructure including highways connecting major cities across all regions within Panamanian territory plus modern airports providing domestic/international flights throughout Latin America regionally & beyond internationally too; not forgetting about electric power generation plants built upon Chagres River allowing energy needs met without need worry about natural disasters interrupting supply lines either since hydroelectric dams provide much needed stability anyhow! All things considered life quality standards remain quite high overall despite some problems still present namely poverty levels hovering around 25%.

In conclusion: With geographic location strategically situated between two different bodies water connected via world famous manmade shipping lane – known simply “the Canal” – , strong economy bolstered primarily on maritime transportation activity but backed up additional sectors driven forces investment influxes alike combined efforts taken promote well-being citizens whom benefit greatly from improved living conditions making them proud call themselves Panameños (& panameñas!) Indeed deserves recognition worldwide given what they accomplished so far sure keep growing exponentially future prospects look bright indeed!

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