Palestine Liberation Organization

by Joshua Brown
Palestine Liberation Organization

The Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), also known as the Palestinian National Authority, is an organization created in 1964 with the aim of representing and defending the national interests of Palestinians. It was formed during a period when Palestinians were living under Israeli military occupation following their displacement from their homeland due to wars between Israel and its Arab neighbors. The PLO is recognized by over 100 countries as the “sole legitimate representative” of the Palestinian people, including non-member states such as Australia, Canada and India.

The PLO was founded on May 28th 1964 at a meeting convened by Egypt’s President Gamal Abdel Nasser in Cairo attended by representatives from seven Arab countries. At this first session it adopted a resolution that declared: “armed struggle is essential for achieving liberation”and established four main principles upon which it would act – recognition of Palestine’s right to self-determination; commitment to armed struggle against Israel; support for all forms of resistance within occupied territories; and respect for all agreements made between Arabs or other nations concerning peace initiatives towards Israel . In 1968 Yasser Arafat became chairman after winning elections held among members from various factions inside refugee camps around Lebanon . He served until his death in 2004 , leading negotiations with both Israeli officials and foreign powers throughout his tenure .

Since its inception ,the PLO has strived to achieve two main goals : ending what it terms ‘Israeli occupation’of Palestine ,and establishing an independent state there through peaceful means if possible but using force if necessary . Despite numerous attempts since then – most notably through 1993 Oslo Accords – no final status agreement has been reached yet though some progress has been made along these lines during recent years while much remains left unresolved due largely political divisions amongst different Palestinian groups vying for power internally alongside external pressures exerted upon them primarily coming out Jerusalem & Tel Aviv capitals respectively ..

In recent times however one major shift can be seen whereby instead pursuing comprehensive solutions based on international law via United Nations Security Council Resolution 242 ; more focus seems being given toward internal reconciliations & building institutional structures ahead any further formal deliberations abroad.. This approach so far includes creation new government ministries dealing everything ranging health care education housing welfare etc while another development sees establishment grassroots committees across West Bank Gaza Strip East Jerusalem areas specifically aimed addressing local problems like water access electricity provision sewage treatment etc… Overall such steps taken indicate how despite ongoing conflict situation still persists domestically least some kind stability exists achieved manner which allows citizens go about daily lives without fear impediment or restriction …

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