
by Joshua Brown

Oceans are the vast body of salt water that covers over 70% of Earth’s surface, making them by far the largest ecosystems on our planet. The world’s oceans contain roughly 1.3 billion cubic kilometers (321 million cubic miles) of water and hold an estimated 10 million species from tiny microbes to giant whales.

The five main ocean basins are the Pacific Ocean, Atlantic Ocean, Indian Ocean, Arctic Ocean and Southern (or Antarctic) Ocean. These oceans have been formed over millions of years due to shifts in landmasses caused by plate tectonics which continue today as plates move around each other at a rate measured in centimeters per year. Oceans also affect global climate through their role in absorbing solar energy as well as carbon dioxide from the atmosphere; this helps regulate temperatures across much of earth’s surface while providing food for many organisms living within it or near its coastline regions., according to National Geographic .
Ocean currents play a major part in forming climates; they carry warm tropical waters up north towards cooler polar areas where evaporation leads to rainstorms creating weather systems like hurricanes along coastlines worldwide.. As these currents move throughout different parts oft he globe they bring nutrients with them helping sustain life forms like plankton and fish populations all over the world ,according to Discovery Education .

Oceans provide us with countless resources including seafood such as tuna or salmon but also minerals mined directly off shore or extracted indirectly via oil drilling platforms located hundreds of miles out into deep sea trenches,. In addition we use seawater for power generation purposes via large scale desalination plants set up along coastal regions especially those lately suffering from severe droughts,. Lastly numerous recreational activities take place on beaches around most countries enjoying sunny days filled with fun beach sports games,, swimming adventures among coral reefs full ot colorful fishes , boat trips often leading you whale sightings closer than ever before ; allowing people everywhere experience some sorto f eco-tourism first hand without too much effort involved,, According ro Lonely Planet

Despite being so essential for human activity however little is known about what lies beneath its depths since only 5 percent has been explored thus far leaving 95 percent still unknown waiting be discovered one day soon enough .. This lack information makes it even more difficult protect one fo rthe most important natural resource available yet vulnerable thanks mans careless actions…Whether fact oil spills nuclear waste dumping illegal fishing practices plastic pollution taking away habitats creatures need survive just few examples how man kind continues threaten environment ignoring consequences future generations suffer same way current ones already do…. Fortunately governments worldwide began taking steps decrease impact modern society had upon ecological system trying undo damage done past decades … measures include educating public proper disposal garbage closing certain areas commercial fishing establishing marine reserves protected zones promote recovery wildlife reduce effects climate change reducing amount CO2 emissions produced factories offshore involving local communities promoting sustainable tourism encouraging responsible consumption products come form ocean itself realizing importance value comes offer now time secure better tomorrow keeping alive hope restoring balance necessary maintain sustainable development long run

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