Mitch McConnell

by Joshua Brown
Mitch McConnell

Mitch McConnell (born February 20, 1942) is an American politician who currently serves as the senior United States Senator from Kentucky. He has been the Senate Majority Leader since 2015 and previously served as Minority Leader from 2007 to 2015. A member of the Republican Party, he has held a seat in Congress for over 36 years and was first elected in 1984. Before entering politics, McConnell worked as a Judge-Executive for Jefferson County, Kentucky from 1978 to 1985.

Early life and career
McConnell was born on February 20th 1942 in Tuscumbia, Alabama but his family moved shortly after that to Louisville where he attended high school before going on to study at both University of Louisville and later University of Kentucky Law School earning his Juris Doctor degree in 1967. After graduating law school he worked with several firms including one managed by former U S Supreme Court Justice John Marshall Harlan II until 1977 when he became assistant county judge/executive for Jefferson County KY which began his political rise into today’s prominence within US government circles..

Political Career & Achievements
In 1982 Mitch successfully ran against Democrat Walter “Dee” Huddleston securing him senate seat representing KY – something would hold onto up until present day making it longest tenure ever recorded by any senator serving under state’s representation . During this time period ,he also gained national attention due to some very controversial stances such obstruction Obama care reforms during 2009–2010 health reform debate along opposing other forms legislation put forward primarily democrats like immigration amnesty bill 2006 or Dream Act 2010 just few examples out many others .. Aside voting records more recently achieved feats include being instrumental role orchestrating highly successful tax cut package passed December 2017 part Trump administration agenda additionally played key part crafting 2018 bipartisan criminal justice reform which aimed reduce mandatory minimum sentences certain nonviolent offenses while expanding job training programs prisoners convicted felonies these two accomplishments greatly increased popularity amongst constituents home state further elevating status among colleagues Washington DC ..

Personal Life & Legacy
Mitch married Sherrill Redmon 1975 they have three children together; Porter Elly Grace all whom live Lexington Ky current residence resides nearby town Russell Springs KY though still maintains busy schedule traveling between Capitol Hill various conferences throughout year outside professional endeavors enjoys hobbies such playing golf reading books about history civil war era particularly fond subject matter those related Abraham Lincoln … Despite numerous policy debates disagreements fellow legislators across aisle undoubtedly leave behind legacy great influence leader able bring parties together achieve monumental goals betterment society whole .

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