Mental health

by Joshua Brown
Mental health

Mental health is a term used to describe an individual’s emotional and psychological well-being. Mental health includes the ability to manage one’s emotions, cope with stress, maintain healthy relationships, make meaningful contributions in work or school settings, and more. It also involves being able to recognize when mental health issues arise and seek help from qualified professionals if needed.

Mental health disorders are conditions that can affect how individuals think, feel and behave. These include depression, anxiety disorder, bipolar disorder (also known as manic depression), schizophrenia , personality disorders such as borderline personality disorder (BPD) , eating disorders like anorexia nervosa & bulimia nervosa etc . According to The World Health Organization (WHO), around 450 million people worldwide suffer from these kinds of mental illnesses each year .

Factors affecting an individual’s mental wellbeing may range from biological factors such as genetics inherited through family history; environmental factors including poverty or exposure to violence ; lifestyle choices such as substance abuse ; or other physical problems like chronic pain or illness which can have a negative impact on our emotional state . Stressful life events like relationship breakdowns or job loss can also contribute towards poor mental wellbeing too .

Good mental healthcare practices involve encouraging open dialogue about feelings between individuals who care for each other – either professionally trained counselors/therapists/psychiatrists; friends & family members ; employers providing support services within their workplace environments etc., so that any underlying issues causing distress are addressed early rather than left unchecked leading onto further complications later down the line. Additionally taking some time off away from stressful situations for self-care activities such as yoga / meditation classes , reading books / listening music & spending quality time with loved ones outdoors engaging in creative hobbies has been shown scientifically proven benefits upon overall happiness levels in general population across all age groups alike!

In summary it is important for everyone regardless of background circumstances not underestimate the importance of looking after their own personal ‘mental fitness’ just same way we take care ourselves physically – by exercising regularly eating nutritious meals getting enough sleep at night moreover surrounding yourself positive minded supportive peers whenever possible !

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