
by Joshua Brown

Menstruation (also known as a period) is the process in which a woman’s body releases blood and other materials from her uterus. It usually occurs once every 28 days, but can vary greatly depending on individual biology and lifestyle. The menstrual cycle marks the beginning of puberty for girls and women, signalling reproductive maturity. During this time hormones are released to prepare the female body for potential pregnancy by maturing an egg that is then available for fertilization.

The average length of a menstrual cycle ranges between 21-35 days with bleeding typically lasting 3-5 days although it can be shorter or longer depending upon age, diet, stress levels etc.. In most cases menstruation begins around 12 years old when ovulation starts occuring regularly each month however some girls may start earlier or later than this due to certain factors such as genetics or health conditions like polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS). Menstrual cycles also tend to become more regular over time so long periods without any signs of menstration should be discussed with your doctor if you’re concerned about any changes in your normal pattern .
In many cultures throughout history there has been stigma associated with menstruation because of its association with fertility and reproduction; often making it seen as something mysterious that should not be talked about openly even today despite advances made in science during recent decades confirming its natural occurrence within our bodies since birth – though times have changed drastically since then!
There are various methods used by women all around world manage their monthly flow including sanitary pads/tampons, cups & reusable cloth liners while others opt healthier alternatives such as freebleeding which allows blood remain inside garment until washed off at end day instead being absorbed into absorbent material like pad/tampon thus eliminating risk toxic shock syndrome caused bacteria buildup these items overtime exposure moisture heat environment vagina itself if left unchanged too long .. Additionally there medication available help reduce symptoms premenstrual dysphoric disorder PMDD well control hormone imbalances cause irregularity rate frequency mensuration across population based studies show populations areas access proper hygiene products still suffer complications related poor hygiene practices lack education surrounding topic globally so raising awareness importance both physical mental wellbeing key reducing disparities healthcare systems worldwide !

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