
by Joshua Brown

Maryland is a state located in the Mid-Atlantic region of the United States. It borders Virginia, West Virginia, and Washington D.C., as well as Pennsylvania to its north and Delaware to its east. Maryland covers an area of 12,407 square miles (32,133 km2). As of 2019 it had a population estimated at 6 million people making it one of the most densely populated states in America.

The capital city is Annapolis which was founded by English settlers in 1649 and named after Princess Anne who became Queen Consort during her father’s reign over England from 1702 until his death in 1714. The colonial charter granted Maryland religious freedom for all Christian denominations including Catholics; this drew thousands of Irish immigrants into Maryland during the 19th century who were recruited to work on railroads or canals connecting towns with major cities such as Baltimore or Philadelphia across state lines that would later become part of Interstate 95 system linking New York City with Florida along US East Coast corridor today.[1]

Economy wise, agriculture has long been important since colonial times although much less so today than when tobacco growing dominated first half 18th century before being replaced by wheat production but still remains significant sector employing about 10% workforce due largely poultry farming & processing plants throughout rural areas while manufacturing jobs have declined over past 30 years owing partly changes global markets but more recently because companies moving out their operations overseas where labor costs cheaper.[2] Other key industries include biotechnology/medical research thanks presence renowned institutions like Johns Hopkins University School Medicine Research Institute located near DC border providing both technical expertise resources required develop new products services thus contributing greatly economic growth entire region.[3]

Education wise there are several public universities within boundaries offering students wide range courses leading undergraduate degrees postgraduate qualifications field study best suits them often free tuition fees those coming disadvantaged backgrounds plus number private colleges highly rated some even having ranked world’s top 100 list further cementing overall education landscape already established name many prestigious schools based here such John Hopkins University ever since opened doors back 1876.[4][5]

In terms culture quite diverse place due multiple ethnic groups settling here throughout history made up mainly African Americans Europeans although recent influx Latin American immigrants seen increase percentage Hispanic population now stands around 8% according census taken 2016 showing just how multi-cultural truly integrated society very united nation despite various differences between peoples no matter race religion cultural background which everyone respects each other regardless political views may hold[6]. All these factors combined make great destination visitors take advantage attractions places visit ranging mountainous terrain rolling hills charming villages coastal resorts giving something suit every taste budget especially summer months when temperatures rise ideal time beach activities water sports etcetera! So whether looking leisurely weekend getaway exciting holiday away family friends alike be sure find plenty enjoy wonderful vacation experience will remember lifetime…

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