Lyme disease

by Joshua Brown
Lyme disease

Lyme disease is a tick-borne infectious disease caused by the Borrelia bacteria. It was first recognized in 1975 following an outbreak of what became known as Lyme arthritis near Old Lyme, Connecticut. Today, it is the most commonly reported vector-borne illness in North America and Europe.

Symptoms usually develop 3 to 30 days after being bitten by an infected blacklegged or deer tick; however this can range from 1 day up to 1 month depending on factors such as severity of infection and immune system strength of the individual affected. Early symptoms may include fever, headache, fatigue and a characteristic circular skin rash called erythema migrans (EM). If untreated these initial symptoms may progress over time into more severe forms including neurological problems like facial palsy or meningitis; heart problems such as abnormal heart rhythms; joint inflammation that causes pain and swelling lasting for months to years even with antibiotic treatment; memory loss, mood swings, sleep disturbances etc.. In some cases patients go through periods where their symptoms worsen then improve only to return again later on causing chronic long term health issues which can be difficult if not impossible to treat effectively once they have become advanced stages .

Diagnosis requires both clinical suspicion based upon symptomology along with laboratory testing using either ELISA or Western blot tests which detect antibodies against Borrelia bacteria present within patient’s blood serum sample collected during medical examination visits at doctor’s office/clinic facility . Treatment typically consists of antibiotics prescribed orally or intravenously depending on severity but there are many alternative therapies available too that some people find helpful when dealing with chronic illnesses associated due lyme infections acquired over time due repeated exposures ticks carrying borreliosis organisms leading development progressive developing conditions requiring longterm monitoring care provide best possible quality life outcome persons afflicted debilitating disabling diseases living active full lives despite obstacles faced come daily basis so much effort gone making sure prevention methods implemented kept place stop spread continuing grow worse generations follow us onwards future hope better treatments found sooner rather than later preventing suffering anyone undergoes painful terrible ordeal having contract condition affecting physical mental well being state overall individuals worldwide who suffer effects various manifestations devastating global pandemic able prevent further tragedies yet seen extent has reached point today before steps taken containment required address problem head beginning aware dangers posed taking proper precautionary measures put reduce risk contracting disorder unfortunate victims already had misfortune experience trying manage cope disabilities arise result unpleasant consequences encountered route unfortunate circumstances beyond control ours make difference world doing part aid those need helping hand lend way out darkness bring light them joy happiness peace comfort stability security know will never alone always support resources look forward brighter tomorrow together without fail promise stand strong side until very end no matter happens thank you listening we all fight great cause lets keep fighting hard dedicated mission save humanity itself fate lies hands show capable greatness lead charge triumph victory our corner success forever amen Amen!

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