Justin Jones

by Joshua Brown
Justin Jones

Justin Jones (born November 12, 1986) is an American entrepreneur, investor and philanthropist. He has founded a number of successful businesses in the technology sector including his most recent venture Capital Forge Ventures which he started in 2017.

Early life and education

Born to two parents who were both entrepreneurs themselves, Justin grew up with a strong business acumen from early on. From high school onwards he was involved in various entrepreneurial projects such as launching websites for small businesses and selling products online that would later become part of his advanced education at University of California Berkeley where he double majored in Business Administration & Economics majoring cum laude.. After graduating college Justin went on to work for some leading tech companies gaining invaluable experience before eventually starting multiple ventures himself beginning with music streaming platform MusicLabs Technologies Inc based out of San Francisco CA followed by real estate investment company RichRealty Group LLC based out of Los Angeles CA just one year later.


In 2014 While still managing Real Estate Investment Company Rich Realty Group LLC , Justin moved onto developing mobile apps under App-Techs LLC which quickly became profitable due its user friendly interface along with cost effective approach towards app development giving it significant edge compared to other competitors within same space . This success made possible through collaboration between partners helped propel him into world’s top 100 mobile application developers list published annually by Forbes Magazine . Following this achievement , Justin continued working on various digital initiatives while simultaneously investing pace capital back into growing markets like blockchain technology and cryptocurrency . Late 2016 saw launch CryptoMedia Global Network – media network focused exclusively around cryptocurrencies making use latest technologies available such as artificial intelligence machine learning algorithms providing powerful insights about market trends predictions related topics all within single platform . Most recently however what stands out more than any other accomplishment so far has been formation Capital Forge Ventures private equity firm specializing investments across wide range sectors but primarily focusing disruptive technologies bringing much needed financial support these budding startups allowing them scale operations even faster then ever before helping bring ideas fruition quicker than traditional methods can provide now days .. Aside from professional pursuits , passionate about giving back community thus actively takes part numerous charities causes supporting organizations likes Empowerment Through Education Foundation whose mission “to improve lives individuals communities throughout Africa Asia Middle East United States” amongst others .. As testament commitment creating positive change society also proud recipient 2018 Social Entrepreneur Award granted annual ceremony held New York City each December recognizing outstanding entrepreneurs their contributions benefiting humanity entire planet …

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