
by Joshua Brown

Japan is an island country located in East Asia. It consists of four main islands and over 6,800 smaller ones that make up the Japanese archipelago. Japan has a population of about 126 million people, making it the world’s tenth most populous nation. The official language is Japanese and its currency is the yen (JPY).

The earliest known human habitation in Japan dates back to 35,000 BCE and archaeological evidence shows that by 300 CE complex societies had developed with established political systems. During this time Buddhism was introduced from mainland Asia which would become one of the predominant religions practiced today alongside Shintoism. In 794 AD Heian period began when Emperor Kanmu moved his capital from Nara to Kyoto; during this period cultural achievements such as literature, poetry and art flourished while important social reforms were put into place including land ownership rights for commoners which lasted until 1871 when modernization under Meiji emperor began culminating in a new constitution being adopted after World War II ended in 1945 separating religion from government affairs and granting universal suffrage to all adults regardless of gender or class background. This ushered modern era where economy grew rapidly through industrialization due to strong investment both domestically & abroad leading Japan becoming leader within technology sector while maintaining traditional culture values at same time like kimono dress code etc..

Today Japan remains highly influential on global stage due its advanced technological capabilities as well as many forms entertainment outputed such anime films/series manga books among others have grown internationally popular over decades since 1980s specifically amongst youth demographic around world who look up these products not just because their quality but also representative “cool factor” associated with them directly linking themselves historical roots so deeply embedded within society itself something cannot simply ignore no matter how much times change even if only little details remain overall value still shines brightly throughout generations come go without fail remaining solid foundation upon which current future stand tall proudly showcasing true colors onto wider audiences than ever before seen age long gone memories brought life once more legends reborn anew forever beautiful sight behold indeed!.

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