Health by Joshua Brown May 1, 2023 129 Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being. It is not merely the absence of disease or infirmity but involves the ability to lead a productive life with adequate resources for self-care, recreation and leisure. Health has been described as “the sum total of all aspects of one’s lifestyle”. The World Health Organization (WHO) defines health as: “a state of complete physical, mental and social wellbeing, not merely the absence of disease or infirmity”. This definition emphasizes that good health goes beyond avoiding illness; it encompasses being physically active, having access to quality healthcare services when needed and other factors such as nutrition status, food security levels in household etc., which are important for people’s overall well‑being. Thus this concept includes both preventive measures – like vaccination campaigns against communicable diseases – and promotive measures – like promotion activities aimed at increasing healthy lifestyles through exercise programmes or educational initiatives on nutrition . Good health requires regular medical care from trained professionals who can diagnose illnesses early before they become serious problems. Poor diet habits contribute significantly to poor health outcomes by leading to obesity due to excessive caloric intake combined with inadequate activity level (physical inactivity). Improving diets would benefit most individuals if coupled with increased activity levels throughout their lifespan including childhood periods where unhealthy eating patterns may be established early in life resulting in lifelong consequences on future generations’ risk factors for chronic conditions such as heart disease stroke diabetes cancer etc.. In addition , effective public policies should promote greater access safe drinking water improved sanitation systems sufficient housing availability decent working conditions better transportation options cleaner air more walkable cities among others so that everyone can enjoy healthier lives regardless income level ethnicity race gender age disability sexual orientation religion nationality citizenship language socio economic status education geospatial location occupation marital status cultural background family size parental decisions etc.. In conclusion , while there are many determinants contributing towards our individual states ‘of health’, some basic needs include providing equitable access high quality affordable healthcare services promoting evidence based positive lifestyle changes creating supportive environments through policy advocacy ensuring stress free living conditions encouraging responsible environmental stewardship limiting exposure hazardous substances maintaining balanced nutrition keeping an eye out infectious diseases making safety priority implementing preventative strategies whenever possible…. All these steps taken together will help ensure global population enjoys optimum states ‘of wellness’.
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