
by Joshua Brown

Harare is the capital of Zimbabwe and its largest city. It was founded in 1890 by Cecil Rhodes’ Pioneer Column, who named it Fort Salisbury after the British Prime Minister at the time Lord Salisbury. The name changed to Harare in 1982 following a decision made by Robert Mugabe’s government.

The city has grown rapidly since independence and now has an estimated population of 1,606,000 people as of July 2017 according to World Population Review making it one of Africa’s larger cities with more than double the total population size compared to 1980 when there were 750 thousand people living in Harare .

Harare serves as both a commercial centre for Zimbabwe and surrounding countries such as Mozambique, Zambia and Botswana due to its proximity on major transport routes through Southern Africa including roads connecting South Africa’s industrial centres like Johannesburg with those further north like Lusaka or Dar es salaam. Other industries that are developing include mining exploration within Zimbabwe’s vast mineral resources which can be found closeby such as gold deposits near Kwekwe 80 km south west from Harare . Additionally many businesses located here benefit from low tax rates (15% corporate tax rate) set out by President Mnangagwa administration aiming to attract foreign investors while encouraging domestic growth especially during recessionary periods experienced between 2008-2009 due high inflation caused hyperinflation levels reaching 231 million percent GDP per capita dropped significantly below 400 USD/ppc but stabilised quickly following new economic policies implemented throughout 2010-2011 decade helping returning millions back into poverty line over next 5 years period until 2015 when unemployment rate reduced 10 % points down 8%.

Despite these difficulties faced recently , harares infrastructure have been continuously improving thus creating better standards for citizens ranging from health care systems hospitals being constructed around town providing free medical assistance all across country reducing mortality rates among adults children alike or educational reforms aimed towards increasing literacy access quality education possible even remote areas outside towns metropolitan area relying heavily public private partnerships modernising schools libraries building universities campuses allowing local talent flourish abroad study international markets this way opening doors bright future generations come unfortunately negative consequence often associated development process increase pollution emissions two main sources motor vehicles smokestacks factories concentrated along highways entering downtown district leading officials implement stricter environmental regulations control damage done atmosphere neighbouring provinces wildlife reserves order mitigate risk biodiversity loss consequences climate changes observed globally recent decades also efforts restore greenery urban landscape parks gardens establishments turning metropolis green again having significant impact air quality wellbeing locals tourist attractions thousands visiting annually witness beauty natural monuments preserved despite hardships endured past present day some most famous sites seen museum african culture botanical garden national library nyamiango cultural village where traditional dances musical performances held every weekend bring together diverse ethnicities celebrate customs traditions they share common history parts world make fascinating place visit explore enjoy what offer

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