Gulf of Aden

by Joshua Brown
Gulf of Aden

The Gulf of Aden is a body of water located in the Arabian Sea between Yemen to the north, Somalia and Djibouti on the east, and Saudi Arabia and Oman to the south. It connects with Red Sea through Bab-el-Mandeb strait at its southwestern end. The gulf measures approximately 439 miles (705 km) long from cape Guardafui in Somalia to Ras Fartak near Mokha in Yemen. Its width varies from 12 nautical miles (22 km) at Bab el Mandeb Strait up to 50 nautical miles (90 km) off Ta’izz, Yemen.


The northernmost point of the gulf lies just west of Cape Guardafui, an area known as Ra’s al Shimbiris that overlooks both Somali coastlines along with Socotra Island farther offshore within international waters. From there it extends southeast for about 200 mi until it reaches Perim Island which separates it from Red sea proper near Yemeni port city Al Hudaydah which surrounds Perim’s western shoreline while extending into inner bay lake formed by island itself alongside two main headlands protruding outwards towards oceanic side namely Jebels Umm al Maradim & Qishn respectively thus forming narrow mouth entrance leading into larger deeper open harbor basin connected via four channels ranging depthwise between 20–60 feet sufficient enough even for large cargo ships navigating their way inland although majority vessels prefer staying away due navigational hazardousness caused shallowly muddy bottom combined strong tidal streams around perimeters especially during monsoon period when they reach speed over 5 knots making passage across region extremely difficult or impossible altogether .

Climate/Marine Life

Due subtropical climate prevailing throughout year temperature ranges anywhere between 70°F – 90°F accompanied high humidity levels resulting frequent rainfall periods interlaced drier spells whereas atmospheric pressure oscillates constantly level 944 mb much lower than world average 1013mb meaning air feels thinner here causing lightheadedness dizziness among people unaccustomed local conditions though this doesn’t affect marine life whatsoever since aquatic environment remains same regardless weather changes outside surface above notwithstanding wide variety species inhabiting coastal areas such dugongs dolphins whales sharks crabs shellfish etc being common sight amongst travelers passing through aboard ships boats yachts other sailing craft types alike mostly because these creatures find food plenty thanks deep abysses reaching depths beyond 6000 ft where nutrients concentrated amounts providing perfect breeding grounds countless organisms relying upon them survival reproduction cycle continues uninterrupted manner despite human presence proximity vicinity nearly always ensuring health longevity entire ecosystem functioning properly normal capacity without danger interruption disruption any kind no matter how small insignificant scale might seem be first glance would surely have far greater impact if left unnoticed unchecked adequately controlled managed time hence why authorities take extra care ensure safety security locals inhabitants visitors tourists each every one involved related activities taking place inside boundaries limits perimeter defined well regulated respect national law applicable regulations apply respective countries governing territorial jurisdiction further details can found link provided below: http://www.gadnrpmaeppmdaacom/en/marine_biological_resources__in_the_GulfofAden__ecology_andconservationpdf

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