Food crisis

by Joshua Brown
Food crisis

Food crisis is a term used to describe an event where food supplies become so limited, or the price of food so high, that people are unable to afford it. A food crisis can have severe consequences for individuals and entire societies as malnutrition, starvation and death can be caused when access to adequate nutrition is not possible. Food crises are typically associated with natural disasters such as floods or droughts; however they can also result from other causes such as conflict, economic instability and poor governance.

The most recent global food crisis occurred between 2006-2008 due to rising prices of staple foods such as wheat, maize (corn) and rice on international markets which resulted in widespread hunger among poorer populations around the world who could no longer afford these items. The cause was attributed primarily to increased demand resulting from population growth combined with tightening supply due to higher energy costs leading farmers away from growing cereal crops towards biofuels instead. Although some countries implemented policies designed to reduce the impact of this rise in prices by subsidizing basic staples or providing direct cash transfers targeted at those affected most severely by escalating costs; unfortunately many were still left hungry after 2008 despite efforts made internationally through various agencies including United Nations World Food Programme (WFP).

In 2020 another global spike in prices has been observed largely due to COVID-19 pandemic related disruptions throughout value chains responsible for transporting goods across borders but also because weather events like drought affecting production areas worldwide further reducing available supply even more than usual levels expected each year during harvest time seasons (e.g., Australia’s bush fires). This has led researchers expressing potential concerns about its implications if current trends continue into 2021 given current vulnerabilities already existing within certain economies before any additional pressure coming out of turbulent times we’re living now amidst pandemic era circumstances globally speaking – making it particularly important governments prioritize measures aimed at improving their ability respond quickly enough should situation worsen anytime soon ahead near future projections without proper planning put place well advance!

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