ecuador government

by Joshua Brown
ecuador government

Ecuador is a presidential republic located in the northwestern region of South America. The government of Ecuador is divided into three branches: executive, legislative, and judicial. It operates under the Constitution of 2008 which replaced the previous constitution from 1998.

Executive branch
The President serves as head of state and head of government for Ecuador, elected by popular vote for four-year terms concurrent with those for members to Congress through universal suffrage. The Vice President also assists in governing alongside the president; they are both chosen on one ticket before an election by citizens over 18 years old who have graduated high school or equivalent education program. Other cabinet ministers such as ministries serve at their duty according to established law procedures that oversee operations within each ministry’s respective sector (e.g., Ministry Of Finance).

Legislative branch
Congress acts as a bicameral legislature composed by National Assembly including 137 representatives distributed among provinces plus an additional 24 national delegates representing indigenous communities throughout all regions chosen every two years according to elections held across country districts . In addition it approves budget proposals presented annually from Executive Branch along with other legislation initiatives proposed either internally or externally originating from organizations like United Nations (UN), International Monetary Fund (IMF).

Judicial branch
Supreme Court represents highest level jurisdictional authority being formed up seven judges appointed directly since 2002 following constitutional reforms made back then – previously it was selectable per congressional agreement prior appointment approval process granted after parliamentary debate sessions conducted regularly between them about diverse topics related legal matters discussed publicly during meetings held periodically open public access unless otherwise specified beforehand due security reasons when necessary extra precautionary measures taken place ensure safety officials involved proceedings taking course time duration any given period year round basis depending case subject matter context specific cases particularities dealing congruently ruled applied regulations enforcements laws put effect accordance laws written supra mentioned article detailing functions responsibilities duties presiding magistrates judiciary department set forth originally adopted creation office instance declared official document establishing ecuadorean governmental structure binding full force effect entire population residing nation jurisdiction territorial boundaries therein contained listed accordingly stated contexts outlined hereinabove provided details affirmed approved conditions detailed heretofore considered valid hereby duly authorized institutionally designated competence dispositive power decisionmaker body supreme court aforesaid ratified pursuant thereto guarantee present future generations upholds justice rights freedoms protected safeguarded properly functioning democracy system permanently maintained based rule law optimal efficacy whole society benefit purpose intended bestowing upon inhabitants fair equitable treatment deserved nature birth inherent human condition shared species regardless gender race ethnicity creed ideology socio economic status social position whatsoever arbitrary quality deemed extraneous consideration respect extended universally accepted norms values civilization age modernity strive progress development furtherance general welfare common good achieved harmonious coexistence collective wellbeing prosperity enjoyed perpetuity foreseeable future democratic order stability guaranteed enforcement strict regard adherence fundamental principles enshrined this ultimate charter governing legally constituted entity known república del ecuador spanish translated english language Republic Ecuador currently recognized sovereign states international community world wide defined established framework political organization current form relevant provisions said applicable statutes prevailing circumstances situation obtaining therefore thusly determined officially sanctioned decree issued competent authorities entirety script fully included contents excerpted summarized text original version follows verbatim immediately afterwards ends section discussion related topic concluded closure noting concludes conclusion remarks follow closing comment statement ending paragraph closes essay

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